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2024-2025 SY Registration

June 5, 2024 

Dear Parent/Guardian of Frederick Douglass High School Entering 9th Grader,

Atlanta Public Schools (APS) is in the process of updating student records and registering students for the 2024-2025 school year. The APS re-registration process requires parents or guardians to register (provide updated proof of residency) when their child(ren) are new to the district, entering kindergarten, entering 6th grade, entering 9th grade, or whenever a change in residency occurs.  We are offering additional support to families served by McKinney-Vento by making in-person and summer registration available.

To ensure that we have allotted adequate space and resources for your child(ren) at their new school, we are asking that you complete online registration via your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account by June 14, 2024. To access your Parent Portal Account, please visit the website below.

Parent Portal Account: 

Parent Portal Help Page: 

After logging into your account, click on More and then Online Registration for Existing Students


Additionally, below are links to the online registration application and dates for in-person registration this summer. We will not enroll students or process registrations on the first two days of school.  New 9th grade students enrolling from APS schools and students enrolling through McKinney-Vento must complete summer registration to have a schedule for the first day of school.

  1. Infinite Campus Online Registration option
  2. In-person at the main campus by appointment June 5 through June 14 (Tues.-Thurs. 9am - 3pm) and July 15 through July 26 (Tues.- Thurs. 9am-3pm). 

Call 404-802-3104 to schedule your in-person appointment.

  1. Centralized Registration through appointment only at the District office during summer hours,  June 17 through July 12, 130 Trinity Ave- 2nd Floor,  Atlanta, Ga 30303, Ph. 404-802-2233; email: student; Website: Office of Student Assignment Registration Website

If you have any questions, please contact our school registration facilitator, Aniska Stewart at 404-802-3104.  As always, thank you for your continued support.