- Frederick Douglass High School
- Overview
Welcome Back Astros!
July 15, 2024
Greetings Astro Students & Families,
Welcome back to another exciting school year at Frederick Douglass High School! As we embark on this new academic journey, I am filled with pride and enthusiasm for the remarkable progress we have made together over the past three years. Our collective efforts have not only enhanced our learning environment but also strengthened our competitiveness, paving the way for continued success through excellence (E3); EVERYone, EVERYwhere, EVERYday!
I am delighted to invite you to our Open House on July 31st from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at both the main and 9th Grade Academy campuses. This event is a wonderful opportunity for you to meet our dedicated staff and learn more about the exciting plans we have for the upcoming year.
Douglass High School remains committed to ensuring the safety and wellness of our entire school community. As a reminder, FDHS will continue to enforce a mandatory clear/mesh bag policy for all students. Effective day one of school, bags that do not meet compliance will be confiscated immediately and will not be released to students. Noncompliant bags may be retrieved by parents only between the hours of 9:30-11:30 or by contacting the front office to schedule a time for pick up. In preparation for day one, the following FAQ is provided below:
When is the first day of school? How early can my student(s) arrive?
The first day of school is Thursday, August 1st. The bell schedule for all FDHS students is 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Our campus doors will open each day at 8:00 am and breakfast will be served until 8:25 am.
When is Open House (Meet & Greet) at FDHS?
Open House (Meet & Great) take place on Wednesday, July 31st 00 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at both the main campus (225 Hamilton E. Holmes Drive) and 9th Grade STEAM Academy (101 Hemphill School Road). Families will have the opportunity to engage with teachers, counselors, wrap around services, and various vendors and partners. PTSA and our Family Engagement team will be onsite as well to share information on how you can partner with the school throughout the school year. Finally, all transportation routes will be posted on both campuses.
What is the instructional delivery model this school year? Will students be able to learn on-line? FDHS will continue to provide instruction in-person directly by the teacher only except for credit recovery opportunities based on course needs. Students will continue to utilize and access technology resources and platforms throughout the school day for the purpose of intervention, enrichment, and instructional organization.
Will my student still have access to technology devices and internet for home?
FDHS is prepared to provide one-to-one devices for student use during class instruction for all courses at the main and 9th Grade campus. FDHS is no longer a recipient of the Verizon Innovation Learning grant which afforded students the opportunity to be assigned a computer device for use at school and home.
When will my student have access to their schedule for Semester 1?
Student schedules will be available for all fully registered students during Open House on Wednesday, July 31st from 11:00 to 1:00. Registered students and parents will also be able to access their schedules within the Student/Parent Portal. If you do not currently have access, please visit Infinite Campus Portal (www.atlantapublicschools.us/Page/48412). If you have difficulty gaining, access or if you need your child’s student ID number, please contact the school at 404-802-3100.
What specific school supplies do I need to purchase for my student(s)?
All students enrolled at FDHS will be required to maintain a clear/mesh bookbag throughout the school day. While some school supplies and resources will be provided by the school and at no cost to our families, families are encouraged to obtain a general set of supplies for students to utilize at school and home. At the onset of the school year, teachers will provide specific items for students to purchase as part of their course syllabus. If you need additional support with securing a backpack, please contact our School Social Work team at 404-802-3100.
Will my student have access to additional support through tutoring?
Every Wednesday, teachers will be available afterschool to provide tutoring for students in need of additional support or practice with their schoolwork. Transportation will be available for students after school on Wednesday afternoons beginning August 28th. Additionally, teachers will conduct parent- teacher conferences as needed or requested. Afterschool programs, enrichment, and clubs will be available for information and registration during Open House.
Is there a school dress code or uniform policy?
9th grade: The 9th Grade STEAM Academy follows a unified dress code. Students at the FDHS 9th Grade STEAM Academy are highly encouraged to wear uniform polo shirts ($25) or uniform t-shirts($13) to school each day. Parents may pre-purchase uniform items until July 31st using the following links: (FDHS T-Shirt) or (FDHS Polo Shirt). There will be a limited supply available during Open House on Wednesday, July 31st and cash payments only. Online payments will not be accepted during the Open House event.
10th – 12th grade: Students at the main campus are required to adhere to the FDHS Dress Code as follows:
- No head coverings other than for religious purposes are permitted (hoods, hats, bandanas, head wraps, or bonnets)
- Clothing, including spirit wear, must be modest and of appropriate length and fit.
- No visible underwear. Pants must sit at or above the waistline.
- No vulgar, profane, or offensive clothing or accessories (No words or symbols that are drug/alcohol, gang-related, offensive, insulting, embarrassing, obscene, or promote illegal behavior)
- No sports or fashion bras should be worn as shirts.
- No excessive exposure of skin or body parts.
- Appropriate shoes that fit and allow for safe movement throughout the school must be worn at all times (No slides, flip-flops, or slippers, backless shoes. Shoes need to have a back strap).
*The administration will have final say on the appropriateness of a student’s uniform. We will work to correct any issues in a positive and productive manner. Note: parents may be contacted to bring clothes, as needed, for uniform violations.
*We reserve the right to adjust the dress code should concerns or issues arise throughout the school year. In such an event, parents and students will be notified in advance of the change(s).
Will student drivers be permitted to park on their vehicles on the main campus?
Student parking on FDHS’ campus is a privilege. Each student who drives a vehicle to school must register the vehicle by applying for a parking permit in the front office. Once approved, the parking permit (decal) must be visibly affixed to the front of the driver’s side window. Unidentified vehicles without a valid decal may be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense.
*The administration and/or school officers have the right to search all vehicles on premises.
Does my student need to report to school the first week?
Instruction for all courses begins on the first day of school, August 1st. As always, we emphasize the importance of attendance. Regular attendance is crucial for academic success and helps students stay engaged with their learning. Please ensure that your students are present and ready to start the year strong on August 1st. Students who do not report day one will be at-risk of having their schedules dropped and/or withdrawn from Douglass High School.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Together, we will continue to achieve great things. Here’s to another fantastic year at Douglass High School.