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APS Literacy Curriculum Vendor Fair

Heads up to all BTW Stakeholders ! If you have a child in K – 12 grade, in APS, you’ll want to have a say in which curriculum materials teachers will be using to teach your child.


Atlanta Public Schools is adopting new high-quality instructional materials for English-Language Arts across all Grades K- 12 classrooms in alignment with the new Georgia K-12 English-Language Arts Standards and the Georgia Early Literacy Act (House Bill 538). The Georgia Early Literacy Act requires all school districts in Georgia to adopt new curriculum materials aligned with the Science of Reading. For additional information on the new standards and the Georgia Early Literacy Act, please visit the Georgia Department of Education literacy website linked here.

Atlanta Public Schools is committed to ensuring the new curriculum materials are available in school buildings by Spring 2025 in preparation for full implementation during the 2025 - 2026 school year. Therefore, in partnership with school leaders, district leadership began the adoption process in September 2024, with the goal of the new materials presented to the Atlanta Public Schools Board of Education for approval at the March 3, 2025, school board meeting. The curriculum selection process and timeline are provided below. APS is committed to ensuring that all school and community stakeholders can participate in the curriculum selection process. Your insight is vital to selecting the best materials for our APS students. Therefore, the curriculum materials will be available to preview in-person and online from February 3 through 14, 2025. Additional information on how APS staff can participate in the in-person and online vendor fair is provided below. Parents will also receive information from school leaders on how they can participate in the selection process.

In-Person Vendor Fair Details

Locations: ELA curriculum vendor materials will be available to preview at the following school sites throughout APS. Elementary sites will host materials for Grades K-5, while High School sites will host materials for Grades 6-12.

Dates: If your school is hosting a vendor fair, the vendor fair will be open to school-based APS staff hosting the vendor fair during the school day from February 3 - February 14. The vendor fair will also be available after school hours for the APS staff who are not hosting a vendor fair on the following dates and times:

After-school dates: February 4 - 6 and February 11 - 13, 2025

Elementary Campuses: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

High School Campuses: 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Participation Process: Please take notes based on the APS ELA Curriculum Selection Rubric linked below when previewing the curriculum materials. After previewing all the materials, please complete the Google Form linked below with the curriculum score for each dimension and overall rating. The Google Form can only be completed once, so please be prepared to share your evaluation of all materials when you submit the form.


K-5 Link to videos:


6-12 Link to Videos: