• The 21st Century Community Learning Center Program @ Scott Elementary School is and after-school IMPACT program developed to expose the students at Scott ES to positive, meaningful, and influential opportunities that enhance the academic pursuits of students from now until high school and beyond. IMPACT will serve up to 120 underrepresented students in grades K-5, ages 4-12, attending Scott Elementary, focusing on increasing student's academic performance in Math, Science and Literacy. In addition, students will have an opportunity to develop their skills in college readiness, career goals, leadership skills, emotional and physical health.


    Certified teachers and vendors will provide differentiated and small group instruction to ensure that students receive homework assistance and will be given additional support and remediation that will support them in developing the skills necessary to fill in the learning gaps that exist. Both academies will also provide enrichment opportunities in art, dance, music, physical fitness, technology and robotics, and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Mathematics) problem based projects in an effort to prepare students to be competitive in the global marketplace of the 21st century.


    In order to give the students an opportunity to develop after the traditional academic school year, IMPACT will also provide a Summer Academy of Mathematics and Science. The Summer Academy will focus on the traditional content areas of reading, mathematics, and science, but it will provide more hands-on and project-based learning experiences. Certified educators, private businesses, and approved vendors will teach inquiry-based science and math through a variety of projects and experiments, as well as analytical and critical thinking activities. The Summer Academy of Mathematics and Science will also allow the students to participate in science and math-based field trips that will help to broaden the students’ scope of understanding as well as help them apply new knowledge to a variety of subject areas in their day-to-day school experiences.