Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Garden Hills Elementary. Please accept my welcome to our "hidden gem" nestled in the historic Garden Hills community in Buckhead. Who is your principal? My name is Stacey Perot, but many of the students and families also know me as Stacey Abbott, which was my name before changing due to marriage. I am thrilled to be starting my ninth year as the principal of Garden Hills Elementary. I have taught in transitional bilingual classrooms (1st & 4th) in Texas, dual language immersion classes in Georgia (2nd & 3rd), traditional classes (4th) and as an ESOL teacher in grades K-5. After 15 years, I moved away from directly teaching students to supporting teachers to improve their pedagogy and practices as an instructional coach, an area lead teacher, and a math coach before moving into school administration. Prior to coming to Atlanta Public Schools, I was an assistant principal and principal in Cobb County, Georgia. I look forward to serving you all for many years to come.
Assistant Principal