- Garden Hills Elementary School
- Garden Hills GO Team
Join our GO Team! Parents and staff can DECLARE their candidacy and find more information at apsstrongschools.com.
Garden Hills
2024-2025 GO Team Information
GO Team Members
Name Officer or Representative Position Role Email Address Stacey Perot Principal stacey.perot@atlanta.k12.ga.us Joycelyn Kennedy Vice Chair, Cluster Advisory Parent/Guardian joycelyn.kennedy@gmail.com Jeanne Moore Chairperson Parent/Guardian Jeanne.moore623@gmail.com Sancian Crawford-Okoro Parent/Guardian alphillips@herzing.edu Kim Cole Instructional Staff kim.cole@atlanta.k12.ga.us Charles Willoughby Secretary Instructional Staff charles.willoughb@atlanta.k12.ga.us Ashley Wampler Instructional Staff ashley.wampler@atlanta.k12.ga.us Tommy Hope Community Member thope@peachtreechurch.com Kelsey Bunker Community Member kbunker@aischool.org Milena Munoz Swing Seat ana.munoz@atlanta.k12.ga.us Meeting Schedule
Meeting Date Meeting Time Time Allotted for Public Comment (Yes or No) Link to view virtually (required) & Location if hybrid Meeting Notice Meeting Agenda Meeting Summary or Draft Minutes Meeting Recording Presentation & Meeting Documents Approved Minutes 8/28/24 5:00PM NO GHES GO TEAM ORG MTG NOTICE Agenda MINUTES Recorded Mtg Mtg FOLDER MINUTES 9/17/24 5:00PM YES Meeting #1 Zoom Passcode GHES NOTICE AGENDA Minutes Recorded meeting link Meeting #1 Folder Approved #1 minutes 10/29/24 5:00PM YES Meeting #2 Zoom Passcode GHES Notice Agenda Minutes Recorded mtg Meeting #2 Folder Approved #2 minutes 12/3/24 5:00PM YES Meeting #3 Zoom Passcode GHES Notice Agenda MInutes Recorded Meeting Meeting #3 Folder Approved Minutes 1/29/25 5:00PM YES Initial Budget Meeting Zoom Passcode GHES NOTICE AGENDA Minutes Recorded Meeting Initial Budget Meeting Folder Approved Minutes 2/11/25 5:00PM YES Budget Feedback Meeting Zoom Passcode GHES Notice Agenda Minutes Recorded Meeting Budget Feedback Folder Approved MInutes 3/11/25 5:00PM YES 5/6/25 5:00PM YES Public Comment Protocol
Up to 20 minutes will be set aside for public commentary at select meetings. Public comment is open to all.
(VIRTUAL/Hybrid) At the beginning of the meeting the principal will announce for visitors to indicate their interest in public comment by listing first and last name & the topic they plan to speak about for up to 2 minutes. For those with phone access only they can state at this time and be added or if less than 10 sign up we will open to additional at the designated Public Comment time.
The principal will introduce the Speakers.
Each speaker will have 2 minutes to share with the Go Team.
The GO Team will not directly address concerns but may add items to future agendas or later assist speakers with needs.
The Vice-Chairperson will time the speakers and at 2:00 minutes thank them for sharing.
If there are no speakers for public commentary at the published meeting start time the Go Team will proceed with their agenda.
If there are more than 10 speakers for any public commentary, only the first 10 will have the opportunity to speak at the meeting.
Strategic Plan
Link to current Strategic Plan - new strategies in Red
Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule
Committee Meeting Date Committee Meeting Time Link to view virtually (required) & Location if hybrid Committee Meeting Notice Committee Meeting Agenda Committee Meeting Report Committee Meeting Documents For information about GO Teams and GO Team resources, please visit the District GO Team website by clicking on the image below.