Carver Early College Dress Code/Uniform Policy (current for school year 2024-25)
9th Grade- White polo shirt, long sleeve with Carver logo, Carver Early College sweatshirt
10th Grade- Black polo shirt, long sleeve with Carver logo, Carver Early College sweatshirt
11th and 12th Grade- Any Carver Early College school shirt (white, black, maroon or grey)
Tan or black khaki pants, shorts or skirts.
No sweat pants, jeans or tights are allowed.
Sneakers or other closed-toe shoes.
No open toe shoes, slides or sandals are allowed.
Board Policy JDCB (Student Dress Code)
The Atlanta Public Schools Superintendent shall require each school principal to establish an advisory committee comprised of parents, students, and school staff to formulate and/or revise the student dress code for the school and school-sponsored activities. The school principal has the authority to interpret the dress code for the school and make a case-by-case determination of the appropriateness of a student’s dress and grooming. Violations of the dress code policy will be addressed through the district’s progressive discipline policy.
The Carver Early College School Governance Team voted and approved the Student Dress Code/Uniform Policy stated above.