    In 1985, Helen Ruffin, a media specialist from Dekalb County, began a game format competition so students from different schools had the opportunity to compete to test their knowledge of books nominated from the Georgia Children's Book Award program.  This competition is designed to inspire and encourage students to read.   It will take place in January, 2023 and Kimberly students are participating.  Good luck to our Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl students!  We are cheering for you!  
    Each student is responsible for reading the assigned books and participating in a discussion and practice quiz for each book.   The following books are included in this year's competition:
    Isaiah Dunn is my Hero
    K.J. Baptist
    Hope Springs
    J. Berry 
    L. Fipps 
    J. Gennari 
    The Lion of Mars
    J.L. Holm
    Measuring Up
    L. LaMotte
    Millionaires for the Month
    S. McAnulty
    Power Up
    S. Nisson 
    Root Magic 
    E. Royce
    How to Disappear Completely 
    A. Standish