- Miles Elementary School
- Tercero(3ro) y Cuarto Grado (4to)
Ms. Kendrick -Spanish Classes
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Nuestra Clase (our class)
We are learning a new vocabulary related to Classroom Commands, Color and Objects/Tools from around the classroom.Classroom Commands:- Levanta la mano (raise your hand)
- Silencio (silence)
- Siéntate (sit down)
- Escucha (listen)
- Camina (walk)
- Mira (look)
- Volteate (turn around)
- Da la mano (shake hands)
- Cierra los ojos (close your eyes)
- Lee (read)
- Corre (run)
- Dibuja (draw)
- Habla (talk)
- Escribe (write)
- Marcha (march)
Objects/Tools from around the classroom:
- El reloj (clock)
- La mesa (table)
- El papel (paper)
- El libro (book)
- Las Tijeras (scissors)
- La goma/borra (eraser)
- El pegamento (glue)
- La regla (ruler)
- El lapis (pencil)
- La pelota (ball)
- La caja (box)
- La crayola (crayon)
- Las crayolas (crayons)
- La calculadora (calculator)
- La escoba (broom)
- Los marcadores (markers)
- La silla (chair)
- La lámpara (lamp)
- La ventana (window)
- Los lápices de colores (colored pencils)
- El mapa (map)
- La mochila (bookpack/backpack)
- El escritorio (desk)
- La puerta (door)
We are also learning how to ask and answer:
*"Cómo te llamas?" (what's your name?)*"Dónde vives?" (where do you live?)*"Cuál es tu número de teléfono?" (what's your phone number?)Where to call in case of emergency.....*"la policía" (police)*"los bomberos" (fire dept.)*"el hospital" (hospital)
* Students will be able to learn specific commands used during class.* Students will improve their listening and speaking skills by pronouncing different commands.* Students will be able to develop collaborative skills by working in groups.
* Students will be able to match the pictures with the correct Spanish words.