- Tuskegee Airmen Global Academy
- 2017-2018 GO Team Information
Tuskegee Airmen Global Academy GO Team Members
Top 5 Strength Finder Traits Email Address
Lincoln Woods, III
Principal 1. Communication
2. Positivity
3. Strategic
4. Arranger
5. Self Assurance
lwoods@atlanta.k12.ga.us Ex Officio Frank Ortega
3 Year 1. Empathy
2. Relator
3. Harmony
4. Positivity
5. Woo
Staff Randolph Chambers
2 Year 1. Learner
2. Connectedness
3. Input
4. Belief
5. Responsibility
Parent TeShauna Russell
2 Year 1. Command
2. Communication
3. Futuristic
4. Learner
5. Idealistic
Staff Coleta Thomas
2 Year 1. Ideation
2. Learner
3. Strategic
4. Responsibility
cnthomas@atlanta.k12.ga.us Staff Wykeisha Howe
3 Year 1. Consistency
2. Developer
3. Discipline
4. Futuristic
5. Connectedness
Parent Tykeisha White
2 Year 1. Input
2. Context
3. Empathy
4. Connectedness
5. Harmony
Parent LaDonia Coe-Watson
2 Year 1. Strategic
2. Achiever
3. Includer
4. Positivity
5. Input
Staff Vacant 2 Year Vacant Vacant for the GO Team Meetings
January 18th, 2017
TAG Conference Room
January 24th, 2017
TAG Conference Room
No February 1st, 2017
TAG Conference Room
No March 28th, 2017
TAG Conference Room
Yes April 26th, 2017 TAG Conference Room 4-5pm Yes GO Team Agenda 4.26.17 May 24th, 2017 TAG Conference Room 4-5pm Yes Postponed TBA June 7th, 2017 TAG Conference Room 4-5pm Yes GO Team Agenda 6.7.2017 Tuskegee Airmen Global Public Comment Format
Please Arrive 10 minutes prior to the meeting to sign up for a 2 minute slot.
Draft Minutes or Meeting Summaries
Approved Minutes
Approved Minutes 1.18.2017 1.24.2017 Approved Minutes 1.24.2017 2.1.2017 Approved Minutes 2.1.2017 3.28.2017 Approved 3.28.2017 GO Team Minutes 4.26.2017 Draft of 4.26.17 GO Team Minutes For information about GO Teams and GO Team resources, please visit the District GO Team website by clicking on the picture below.