

    Atlanta Public Schools (APS) became a charter system on September 25, 2015 to increase student achievement and improve organizational effectiveness and efficiency. APS’s charter contract is effective July 1, 2016. A key component of operating as a Georgia charter system is the establishment of Local School Governance Teams at the 71 APS neighborhood schools. Local School Governance Teams are also known as LSGTs and/or GO Teams. GO Teams work with school leadership and the community to help determine the long-term direction of the school, design innovative solutions to increase student achievement, and serve as school ambassadors to the local community. 

    GO Teams meet at least six times per year, and all meetings are open to the public. Meetings of the GO Team for Kimberly Elementary School will be held on the 2nd Thursday of each month (August - June) at 6pm in the Media Center at L.O. Kimberly Elementary School (1090 Windsor St, Atlanta, GA 30310).  For information on GO Teams, contact us at 404.802.2885.


     GO Team Members
    Joseph L Salley
    (404) 802-7600
     Keisha Sewell
    (404) 952-8501
    Parent Representative
    Term Expires:  3/2018 
     Theodore Lee
    (404) 599-1902
    Parent Representative / Chair
    Term Expires:  3/2018 
    Donny Gray
    (770) 833-8006
    Parent Representative / Co-Chair
    Term Expires:  3/2019
     Rosa McKnight
    Teach for America
    (770) 856-9448
    Community Partner
    Term Expires:  3/2018 
    Faye Hammonds
    Boy Scouts of America
    (404) 218-0010
    Community Partner
    Term Expires:  3/2019 
     G. Brady Stringer
    Management Consultant
    (678) 637-9023
    Swing Seat
    Term Expires:  3/2019
    Kelley Young 
    (678) 471-4849
    Staff Representative / Cluster Rep
    Term Expires:  3/2018 
    Odalis Whatley
    (770) 696-8698
    Staff Representative
    Term Expires:  3/2018 
     Jennifer Saunders
    (404) 966-1701
    Staff Representative / Secretary
    Term Expires:  3/2019 
    Meeting Dates 
    August 11, 2016 September 8, 2016 October 18, 2016
    November 1, 2016 December 13, 2016 January 17, 2017
    February 14, 2017 March 7, 2017 April 11, 2017
    May 16, 2017 June 13, 2017 Vacation (July 2017)
    Public Comment 

     The GO Team of L.O. Kimberly Elementary School welcomes and encourages citizens and community members to attend meetings to become better acquainted with the programs of the school and the role of the GO Team.  The meeting GO Team meetings are open to the public.  Citizens are encourage to attend; however, refrain from interrupting or distracting the GO team proceedings.

    For citizens and/or community members wishing to provide a public comment, there will be an allotted time on the agenda at the beginning of each meeting, 20 minutes for a maximum of 5 speakers.  Each speaker will have 2 minutes to provide feedback/speak.  At the end of the 20 minutes Public Comment will close and move on to the next agenda item. Please note, the Public Comment period is designed to gain input from the public and not for immediate responses by the GO Team.  If responses can be provided at the time of questions, the GO Team will respond according.  If there are questions or information that anyone has for the GO Team, they may be contacted after the meeting.