• Morris Brandon Elementary has a vibrant PTA, and we welcome participation from all of our parents, teachers and staff.  The purpose of the PTA is to enhance the educational experience of all of the students at Brandon through fundraising and coordinated volunteer efforts. 


    Fundraising efforts include the Annual Fund, which provides over half of our almost $200,000 operating budget.   Additional funds are raised through our Christmas Tree Sale, Gift Wrap Sales, the Fall Jamboree, Book Fair, and numerous Business Partnerships.  If you are interested in contributing to the Annual Fund, buying a Christmas tree, or attending the Auction, please visit the PTA’s website, www.morrisbrandon.com for details.  The funds raised support our International Baccalaureate program, provide classroom enhancements, technology hardware and software, and health supplies to name just a few items. 


    As important as fundraising are the countless volunteer hours logged each year.  The Brandon PTA has over 700 members including 106 committee chairs, coordinators, and liaisons, 65 room parents, and hundreds of committee members.  These volunteers perform vital functions too numerous to catalog here.  Suffice it to say, Brandon would not be the same without the wonderful parents, teachers, and staff that make up the Brandon PTA.  If you are interested in getting involved, please visit our website www.morrisbrandon.com.