•  Student Health Forms 

  • Medical Packets for Students:

    Student health forms assist in planning students' health. The nursing staff, educational team, and family need input and instructions from the health care provider to ensure that students receive the necessary support while in the school's care. Student health forms may be required if your student requires a 504 plan or IEP to succeed in school.

    • If you are seeking Hospital Homebound services, please complete and submit the Referral for Homebound Services Packet (Click to download). All forms must be completed and signed by a physician.  Please review before submitting any health forms to your school, and note that some forms also require a parent/guardian's signature.
    • Medical Packets (updated 9.2024) (click to download) will remain in effect for one school year, and a new set of documents is required each August before the start of school and/or anytime there is a change to the student’s medical status. Prompt updates on changes in your student's medical status are crucial.  If new orders are not received, parents are responsible for administering medication and/or performing special health procedures during the school day.

    *Our school nurses are governed by the Georgia Nurse Practice Act and APS Policy JGCD—Medication. They will only administer medication in accordance with written medical orders signed by a licensed physician, dentist, or podiatrist. APS nurses will not modify any dosage of medicine based solely on a request or recommendation by a parent or guardian. A parent or guardian seeking a dosage modification must give the nurse an appropriate medical order.

  • Special Diet Request Form:

    To obtain special diet accommodations for a student, the APS School Nutrition Department Special Diet Request form shall be completed and signed by a licensed, recognized medical authority.
    Per the United States Department of Agriculture, the following information is required to provide accommodation:

    Children with Disabilities

    • Identification of the student as having a disability (physical or mental impairment)
    • Explanation of how the child's disability restricts theirs diet
    • The major life activities affected by the child's disability
    • Foods to be omitted
    • Food or choice of foods that must be substituted

    Please complete and return this form as soon as possible. This form is also included in the Medical Packet linked above.


  • Health Screening Forms: Scoliosis

    Per GA Code OCGA 20-2-772: The health authority in cooperation with the school authority shall provide screening of all public school children in the at risk population, except in cases where the child has been screened during the at risk time by a physician with an active Georgia license, or a person working under the supervision of a physician with an active Georgia license, the local health department, or a licensed school nurse, or in such cases where the parent or guardian of the child has objected in writing to the screening.

    (2) The annual screening process will target a minimum of two grades occupied by the at risk population, recognizing that with their earlier maturation females should be screened in early adolescence.

    What is scoliosis?

    • Scoliosis is a sideways curve of the spine. About 3% of children are affected by scoliosis. It can occur at any age but is often noticeable between 9 and 16 when growth occurs rapidly.
    • Early detection is important to avoid potentially serious problems later in life if a spinal curve is not recognized or treated and continues to progress.


    How can my child be screened for scoliosis?

    • The screening test observes the child’s back when standing and bending forward.
    • There are options for how the screening can be completed:
      • Submit a completed Form #4400, Certificate of Scoliosis screening (click to download form). Form #4400 can be completed by a physician with an active GA license or a person working under the supervision of a physician with an active GA license, the local health department, or a licensed school nurse. A completed Form #4400 should be provided to the school within the first 90 days of 6th and 8th grade. 
      • OR your child can participate in a school scoliosis screening event*. Students without a completed Form #4400 on file more than 90 days after the start of school will be asked to participate in scoliosis screening during a school screening event.


    Scoliosis forms and letters are available to download: