• School Achievement Plan Summary


    Reading Goals: To decrease the number of students scoring in the Does Not Meet Standards Category on the CRCT by 5 percentage points and to increase the number of students scoring in the Exceeds State Standards Category on the CRCT by 5 percentage points.

    Instruction will respond to the needs of our students according to their diagnostic assessments

    l      Assess Students at the beginning of the year

    l      Fast Track Phonics implemented on Kindergarten, First, and PEC

    l      Star Reader and Accelerated Reader

    l      Differentiating Instruction

    l      Aligning Language Skills during our Reading Comprehension and Book Club

    By whom:

    l      Classroom teachers-differentiated instruction

    l      Administration – support

    l      Enrichment teachers – tutoring and support

    l      Business Partners, Youth Net, Hands on Atlanta – tutoring

    l      Media Specialist – Book Clubs and other reading incentives


    Language Arts Goals: To decrease number of students scoring in the Does Not Meet Standards Category on the CRCT by 5 percentage points and to increase the number of students scoring in the Exceeds State Standards Category by 6 percentage points.

    l      60 minutes uninterrupted instruction daily

    l      Create and implement Curriculum Maps to better align our instruction

    l      Ongoing assessments will be utilized to guide instruction and grouping

    l      Structured writing lessons daily using state writing rubric to evaluate expression

    l      Students will be assessed each five weeks to determine mastery and instructional practices

    l      Technology based activities integrated into daily lessons

    l      Integrated concept based units of instruction


    Math  Goals: To decrease the number of students scoring in the Does Not Meet Standards Category on the CRCT by 5 percentage points and to increase the number of students scoring in the Exceeds State Standards Category by 5 percentage points

    l      90 minute uninterrupted math block

    l      20-25 minutes of problem solving

    l      Star Math Diagnostic testing

    l      Accelerated Math

    l      Using Skills Mastery/Quick Checks/Quarterly Assessments as lead indicators

    l      Using data to guide instruction

    l      Applying Mathematical concepts within Concept Based Units

    l      Reflection time daily for students

    l      Homework hotline through the In touch Auto Dialer Phone System

    l      Model Teacher Leaders will observe all math classes and provide feedback to teachers

    l      MTL’s will work with MIM Consultant to design workshops as needed by teachers and tutors

    l      Enrichment staff will integrate math into the areas of Art, PE, Music, and Media


    Science/Social Studies Goals: To decrease students scoring in the DNM standards category by 5 percentage points and to increase the number of students scoring in the Exceeds standards category by 5 percentage points on the Science/Social Studies CRCT.


    l      Concept-Based Units/Integrated Curriculum

    l      Differentiated Instruction

    l      Cooperative Learning Activities

    l      Heterogeneous/Flexible Student Grouping

    l      Scientific Inquiry Based Learning

    l      Higher Level Questioning

    l      CRCT Practice

    l      Technology Utilization

    l      Tiered Instruction

    l      Hands-On/Process Skills/Critical Thinking  Projects

    l      Mandatory Lab Per Week

    l      Standardized Lab Sheet

    l      Interest Centers

    l      Independent Study







    Social Studies:

    l      Concept-Based Units/Integrated Curriculum

    l      Differentiated Instruction

    l      Cooperative Learning Activities

    l      Heterogeneous/Flexible Student Grouping

    l      Social Inquiry Based Learning

    l      Disciplines: Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology

    l      Higher Level Questioning

    l      CRCT Practice Workbooks

    l      Technology Utilization

    l      Tiered Instruction

    l      Hands-On/Process Skills/Critical Thinking         Projects

    l      Interest Centers

    l      Independent Study


    Attendance Goals:

    To decrease the number of students absent and/or tardy five or more days by 10 percent.

    l      Timely Parental Communication

    l      Monthly Incentives for Never Found Late (NFL) and Never Been Absent (NBA)

    l      Individual and Classroom Incentives

    l      Preventive Measures