Interventions and supports are provided within a Multi-Tiered System that helps APS identify how to best help each student. This means that approximately 80% of students will get what they need with our Tier 1 supports, approximately 15% of students will need more, and approximately 5% of students will need even more supports and interventions. In addition to the staffing and support updates below, please visit APS CARES for local resources personalized to your specific needs.
Staffing Updates
- At least 1 School Social Worker in every APS school
- Every school has an identified Mental Health Partner
- One full-time School Nurse in every APS school
- One districtwide Crisis Social Worker, one districtwide Truancy Prevention & Intervention Social Worker
Tier 1 Supports
Mental Health
- Youth Mental Health First Aid Trainings
- Sources of Strength K-5
Attendance & Behavior
- Tier 1 Attendance and Behavior school-wide prevention plan
Tier 2 Interventions
Mental Health
- Hazel Health short-term telehealth therapy
- Group Skill Building provided by School Counseling and School Social Workers
- Check and Connect evidence-based in-school mentoring
- Evidence-based Notification System for Intervention (Coming Soon)
Tier 3 Interventions
Mental Health
- Mental Health providers in every school for individual therapy
- Individual function-based Behavior Support Plan