• Technology

    Families often have questions about student devices, as well as the technology used in our schools. 

    The APS Information Technology Department guides and supports the use of technology in student learning, working closely with multiple school-based personnel to plan for the integration of technology into all facets of the curriculum and learning environment.

    The APS Information Technology Department continues to focus on ensuring that every student in the district has a functional device for instructional use. We want to inform you of some changes being implemented around technology use in the district. These changes will help the district improve the 1:1 student device program and give parents more insight and options for managing APS-issued devices.


    In January 2023, the board adopted a new policy around technology devices in the district: Please be aware of these changes as we prepare for the upcoming school year:

    Students may be charged for replacement/repair costs due to loss or abuse of school system property, including, but not limited to, textbooks, library books, media materials, musical instruments, technology, or athletic equipment.

    • Parental and student contracts for the use and return of devices (must be issued and signed before a device is issued)
    • A replacement fee payment is required after the loss of the second device.
    • Students are responsible for the reasonable care and return of district-issued devices and accessories; returned devices should be in good working order.

    The school system shall not withhold any student record because of nonpayment of fees. However, the school system may withhold diplomas, certificates of progress, report cards, and other awards until all fees, fines, and charges are paid. Please click the link to review the new policy. http://tinyAPS.com/?BOE-Policy 


    Beginning in August 2023, all students and parents must sign a device user agreement. The agreement will allow parents to opt in or opt out of their child receiving a device for use at home. Please note: if you opt-out, your child will still have access to a device while in school. Students choosing to opt in will be able to take their devices home.

    Student Device Use Agreement -  http://tinyAPS.com/?apsmobiledevice

    Parent Acceptance of Device Take Home Agreement - http://tinyAPS.com/?apsparentagree


    APS student devices are purchased with accidental damage and theft insurance coverage. For parents wanting additional insurance for lost and intentional damage, we have arranged for the option to purchase device insurance through “Safeware” for $34.20 per device (per year). Please click the link to review the flier. http://tinyAPS.com/?OptionalSupplementalDeviceInsurance