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  • Beginning July 1, 2016, Atlanta Public Schools became a Charter System. Our district is working to create more freedom and flexibility for our schools to find new ways to boost student achievement. The best part: parents, educators, and community members now share in the decision-making process by joining the school’s GO Team.

    Each school has a governance team—a GO Team. This team is composed of parents, teachers, and community members, and its job is to develop a school's strategic plan, set priorities, monitor progress, and approve a budget that is in alignment with the plan. 

    The GO Team can also request flexibility to do something innovative and different in their school. This is an opportunity for you to be part of the process and add your voice and expertise to address the needs specific to your school.


    Declare Your Candidacy Today



    Your Voice Matters! 

    Here is an update on this year’s GO Team election process: 

    • Open Seats: The district is seeking candidates to run for one parent/guardian seat and one instructional staff seat at each school.  

    • Parents, educators, and community members interested in participating in a GO Team should go online to declare candidacy and/or vote for candidates.

      • Declarations: Now - Feb. 28th

      • Voting: April 16th - 25th 

    • The Voting Process: Households and staff will receive their voting credentials through email, text message, or household mailer, based on information in Infinite Campus.

    • Update Infinite Campus: Please update your information in Infinite Campus to ensure they receive their voting credentials.



Interested in serving on a GO Team in a community member seat? Sign up here

Community Member Interest Form

Not sure what a GO Team is? Watch the video below and visit the FAQs to learn more.

Sign up for our GO Team Community Newsletter here:

Sign Up for the GO Team Community Newsletter

Community Newsletters