Grocery Spot - A Mutual Aid Grocery Store
  • The Grocery Spot is a community supported, pay what you can, free grocery store, community closet, and event space.

    They offer a free shopping experience to anyone who may need it. Members of the community that are able to donate either monetarily or with food are encouraged to do so. Their mission is to improve food access and fight for food justice as well as provide a safe space to gather, learn, and grow. 

  • Hours:

    Monday: 3-6 pm (General Public)

    Wednesday: 3-6 pm Teachers/School Staff, City/State Workers, EMS/First Responders, Veterans, etc. w/ valid work ID/paperwork

    Friday: 3-6 pm Teachers/School Staff, City/State Workers, EMS/First Responders, Veterans, etc. w/ valid work ID/paperwork