• Fundraising Plan

  • We have 3 main sources of fundraising planned:

    1. Foundations & Grants: We believe this will be our main funding source for the playground. There are many wonderful foundations in and around Atlanta that support initiatives like ours. We have a team of hard-working volunteers who regularly submit grant proposals, but we would always love more support from interested parents! Contact us here if you are interested in helping.

    2. Business Donations: We are very proud to be the local elementary school for Midtown Atlanta and are hoping that businesses in the area will donate to our cause. This playground will benefit Midtown's youngest residents, as well as the community at large. We also plan to ask parents to reach out to their employers (regardless of location) asking for support for this great cause. 

    3. Parent & Community Donations: If you would like to donate directly to "Everybody's Playground" at VHE, please reach out to our school.  Write a check to "Virginia-Highland Elementary", deliver to the VHE main office,  and those funds will be earmarked to support our all-inclusive playground initiative. 

  • Here are the grants and donations we have received so far:

    • Georgia Environmental Protection Division Grant: $237,000
    • PTO & 2023 Boosterthon Funds: $57,000
    • AEC Foundation: $50,000
    • 2024 Fun Run Funds: $30,000
    • Resurgens Charitable Foundation: $25,000
    • Truist Donation: $2,000
    • Edith Rhoney's parents: $1,000
    • Brent Pease Foundation: $500