  • The Atlanta Public Schools has an extensive set of protocols and information regarding the response to COVID-19 at the school and district level.  Please use the following link to view it:


If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
  • My Kid was exposed to, or tested positive for COVID-19; what do I do?


    If your child tests positive for or is exposed to someone who is positive for COVID-19, you MUST complete the Self-Reporting Form:



    This is for exposure in and outside of the home.  This notification activates school-based quarantine protocols that allow for your child to participate in Virtual Instruction and excuses their absences.



    My Kid is out on Quarantine; What Happens Next?


    When a student is out on Quarantine due to exposure to, or positive case of, COVID-19, they should (as their health allows) join into the classroom teacher's simultaneous classroom. 

    What is Simultaneous Classroom?

    • The student joins the Zoom Classroom using the link in Google Classroom and participates in "real-time" instruction along with the rest of their peers who are at school in person.
    • The student is counted as Quarantine Present (QTR) due to their active participation in live (online) instruction.
    • The student is expected to join their live classroom between 7:30a - 7:45a.  They are expected to participate in a full day of instruction; until 2:45p.
    • Students will submit assignments through Google Classroom or email (whichever the teacher requires).


    Where do I find the link to join my teacher's Zoom Classroom?

    • The links are posted on the grade level pages on our school website.  Simply hold your mouse over the COVID-19 Response tab and you will find grade level pages with pictures, links, and schedules for each grade level.
    • The links can also be found in the student's Google Classroom


    What happens if my child doesn't join the live classrooms, are there other options?

    • All students are expected to join the live, simultaneous classroom unless they are sick.
    • If there are issues with the Internet (lack of internet), the parent should contact the school to have a HotSpot ordered.
      • It takes at least a week to receive a Hot Spot, and they are only available while supplies last.
    • Under limited circumstances, the teacher may provide packets to students in lower grades (PK - 1); and or use Class Dojo to upload and accept assignments.
    • Failure to participate in simultaneous instruction may result in an unexcused absence.


    Check out the guidelines from the Atlanta Public Schools below...

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.