• Dear Parents, Guardians, and Friends,

    My name is Ms. Cartwright, and this is my fourth year as the media specialist at Burgess-Peterson Academy. I am very excited about welcoming you to another year of teaching and learning. We have an exceptional year planned for our students.

    This year we will still be focus on acquiring new library resources to help enhance the classroom curriculum and promote a love of reading. We have introduced many new e-books to our collection, which will help to diversify our collection and extend our library hours beyond the school day. Classes will be offered to our students on how to use the Media Center’s online catalog, which can be accessed from any computer that has Internet access at
    . With access to a computer, laptop, smartphone, e-book reader, or ipad, and Internet access, students will have the ability to retrieve an e-book to read online anytime and anywhere.  

    We will continue to celebrate our use of Accelerated Reader to encourage our students to READ and to monitor their comprehension skills. This year we will be participating in the Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl, which will allow our students to flaunt their reading skills. I will also continue with the BPA Technology Club for our fourth and fifth grade students to help them enhance their technology skills.
    I will also continue to pursue one of my passions, which is to collaborate with the classroom teachers and assist them acquire supplementary resources to support their classroom instruction and to integrate more technology into their instruction to align with the new Common Core Georgia PerformanceStandards.

    I am looking forward to meeting all of you, assisting students with their research skills, and supporting our teachers with their classroom instruction.


    Sheila Cartwright