Phone: 404-802-7850
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Benita Grant
Dear Fickett Community,
It is with great pride and excitement that I write this letter to you as the Principal of Fickett Elementary School. I am excited and honored to have the opportunity to lead a school with such a rich tradition both in and out of the classroom.
Fickett has earned a reputation of academic excellence through the hard work of our students, teachers, parents, and staff. Fickett is proud to support numerous challenging academic courses through our newly received International Bachelorette authorization. We encourage you to experience our school culture, one that is focused on providing students with 21st century technologies, academic and social resources that will prepare them to achieve post secondary and beyond.
At Fickett we believe that it is important for our students to be connected to school through positive relationships and a strong sense of community. I believe that every student can learn and be successful if provided the right supports and opportunities. As such, we embrace Social Emotional Learning every day. Our teachers and staff are committed to providing all students with an appropriate and challenging educational experience in a respectful environment that fosters learning and growth. Our major partners, UPS, Caresource, Atlanta Housing, and Shane Co. strongly support our efforts and strengthen our movement towards realizing our vision and mission.
A crucial part of success for students is attendance. As a parent or guardian it is essential for you to maintain an attitude that "Every Day Counts" for students to be in school and ready to learn each day. At Fickett, we will assist in helping parents and families understand the importance of instructional time and school attendance. Every classroom will have an Attendance Buddy who will monitor attendance daily.
Additionally at Fickett, we recognize that family and community support are integral to our success. This is why we encourage you to join our PTA, Go Team, or other avenues. Parents/Guardians play the most important roles in a student's success and I invite you to collaborate with us in your students' education.
When we take the time to strategically plan, forge positive relationships, celebrate our achievements, and continue to build on our successful foundation, we can foster a learning environment where our entire Fickett community thrives.
Fickett Elementary School is a place where exceptional teaching and learning is the norm. I am truly honored to be a part of the Ben Hill Community.