- King Middle School
- M. L. King GO Team Homepage
Join our GO Team! Parents and staff can DECLARE their candidacy and find more information at apsstrongschools.com.
M. L. King
2024-2025 GO Team Information
GO Team Members
Name Officer or Representative Position Role Email Address Kimberly Gibbs Principal kimberly.gibbs@atlanta.k12.ga.us Jennifer Bhagia-Lewis Parent/Guardian jenbhagialewis.goteam@gmail.com Adia Pam Secretary Parent/Guardian adia.j.nicholson@gmail.com Constance Franklin Vice-Chair Parent/Guardian ccharmaine08@aol.com LaTonya Bankston Instructional Staff lbankston@atlanta.k12.ga.us Brian McKinney Instructional Staff Brian.McKinney@atlanta.k12.ga.us Elizabeth Prather Instructional Staff emann@atlanta.k12.ga.us Craig King Community Member Maxine Cain Cluster Representative Community Member maxine@stematlantawomen.org Kalisha George Chair Swing Seat kgeorge@atlanta.k12.ga.us Meeting Schedule
Public Comment Protocol
The GO Team of M. L. King, Jr. Middle School encourages community members to attend our Go Team Meetings. Attending a meeting will allow you to become more familiar with academic and other programming available at the school and better understand the role of the Go Team at King. Go Team meetings are open to the public. Community members are welcome to attend the meetings but must refrain from interrupting the GO Team proceedings.
There is, however, a time for public comments during the meeting and the protocol is as follows:
- Sign up for Public Comment no later than 30 minutes prior to the start of GO Team Meeting.
- To sign up, a Google Form will be posted to the King Middle Website 1 day before the meeting.
- Comments must be no more than 2 minutes long. A timer will be used to monitor time. Ten speaker slots will be available for each GO Team meeting when public comments are on the agenda.
- A Zoom link will be emailed to you prior to the Go Team meeting.
If you would like to share feedback/comments in writing to the GO Team, please send them by email to kgeorge@atlanta.k12.ga.us or by U.S. mail to:King Middle School GO Team, 545 Hill Street, SE Atlanta, GA 30312
Strategic Plan
Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule
Committee Meeting Date Committee Meeting Time Link to view virtually (required) & Location if hybrid Committee Meeting Notice Committee Meeting Agenda Committee Meeting Report Committee Meeting Documents For information about GO Teams and GO Team resources, please visit the District GO Team website by clicking on the image below.