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    TripTracker Overview

    The process of requesting transportation for field trips, special programs and after school programs will now be done electronically through TripTracker. This Electronic Field Trip (eFieldTrip) system is a Web-based program that will enable you to request, edit, and track the status and billing of a fieldtrip request.

    Please note:
    Requesters will need to enter a request more than 30 days before the bus is needed
    to ensure the bus request is approved and scheduled in a timely fashion. TripTracker will prevent a Requester from submitting a request within 20 days of the trip date. However, in the case of extenuating circumstances, the Field trip department should be contacted to determine if the trip can be scheduled.

    General Field Trip Guidelines/Rules

    Schools may not solicit nor offer a trip opportunity to bus drivers. Extra work must all be issued by the Transportation Department.

    • Student supervision. On a field trip, student behavior management is the responsibility of the coach, chaperone or teacher. If there are behavior issues on the bus, the bus drivers will defer to the coach, chaperone or teacher once to address the behavior, if the behavior is not addressed, then the bus driver will assume responsibility.

    • Bringing extra items on a trip. Ice-chests, equipment bags and boxes. These items are to be loaded through the front door and may not sit in the aisle and thus obstruct movement. If the bus is damaged in the process of loading an item, that cost be assigned to the trip sponsor.

    • Parking fees for school buses. If parking fees are required, it is the responsibility of the requesting school or department to pay for parking fees.

    • Field Trip Availability: Transportation is available, space limited, for field trips for the following days and times:

      • The second week in August 10 through the second week in May.
      • School days: 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and then 4:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
      • Weekend and Holiday field trips are allowed during the date ranges above.


    If you have questions about the program, please email us at transport@atlanta.k12.ga.us.


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