Mrs. Lakeelar Lee
Office: 404-802-8022
Panther Parent Center Room 1052
Panther Parent Center Hours:
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
My name is Lakeelar Lee. As the Parent Liaison, I will serve as the link between our parents, the school and our community. Through this connection, I hope to build solid relationships among us to create partnerships for our children at CCES to succeed. I anticipate to increase parental engagement by creating interesting workshops and events for families to enjoy but also learn. I will also ensure that our school is compliant with Title I requirements.
The Parent Liaison serves as a connection between the home school & community, in order to provide high levels of student achievement and to promote and increase parental involvement:
Ensure federal compliance with CCES's Parent Involvement Policy and School-Parent Compact
Coordinates and implements parent involvement programs, workshops and/or meetings
Plans and coordinates monthly Core Subject parent workshops
Informs parents of all student-related activities
Organizes and maintains CCES Panther Parent Center
Shares important school-related issues with parents
Encourages parents to become more engaged and involved here at CCES
Develops a calendar of activities for parents
One of the many important and wonderful things about CCES is the parental support and involvement. The best way for you to get to know the school, other families and the teachers is through volunteering. Our goal is for every parent to sign-up to help with at least one activity or to volunteer 3 hours during the school year. You choose what fits your schedule and your interest.
Stop by the Parent Center today to sign up for a volunteer opportunity!
Remember to check your child's book bag on Thursdays for their RED communicator folder and return the folder on Fridays!