• Board Policy
    Descriptor Code: JCDAD
    Bus Conduct  

    Transportation to and from school is a critical element in achieving student success.  The Atlanta Board of Education holds high expectations for student conduct while using the school bus service. The student Code of Conduct shall include the following specific provisions prescribing and governing student conduct and safety rules on all school buses:

    • Students shall be prohibited from acts of physical violence as defined by Code Section 20-2-751.6, bullying as defined by subsection (a) of Code Section 20-2-751.4, physical assault or battery of other persons on the school bus, verbal assault of other persons on the school bus, disrespectful conduct toward the school bus driver or other persons on the school bus, and other unruly behavior;

    • Students shall be prohibited from using any electronic devices during the operation of a school bus, including but not limited to cell phones; pagers; audible radios, tape or compact disc players without headphones; or any other electronic device in a manner that might interfere with the school bus communications equipment or the school bus driver’s operation of the school bus; and

    • Students shall be prohibited from using mirrors, lasers, flash cameras, or any other lights or reflective devises in a manner that might interfere with the school bus driver’s operation of the school bus.


    If a student is found to have engaged in physical acts of violence as defined by O.C.G.A. Code Section 20-2-751.6, the student shall be subject to the penalties set forth in that Code section.


    A meeting of the parent or guardian of the student and appropriate school district officials must be held to form a school bus behavior contract whenever:

    • A student is found to have engaged in bullying; or

    • A student is found to have engaged in physical assault or battery of another person on the school bus.


    The school bus behavior contract shall provide for age-appropriate discipline, penalties, and restrictions for student misconduct on the bus.  Provisions may include, but are not limited to, assigned seating, ongoing parental involvement, and suspension from riding the bus.


    These provisions regarding use of a bus behavior contract are not to be construed to limit the instances when other Code of Conduct violations may require use of a student bus behavior contract.


    The Board also herein provides, pursuant to administrative regulations set forth by the Superintendent, for disciplinary measures, including suspension from riding the bus for a period of time or for permanent withdrawal of the privilege of riding the bus, against those students who engage in unacceptable conduct while using the school bus service.