Ms. Denise Turner-Mills
    (404) 802-7612 (Office)
    Office Hours
    Monday's & Wednesday's
    8:30a - 3:00p
    The Atlanta Public Schools liaisons serve as a link between the schools and parents. Their key responsibilities include conducting workshops, sharing news on district initiatives and developing strategies for increasing parental involvement in APS activities. The liaisons work closely with schools to develop community partnerships that enhance the learning environment and ensure federal compliance with each school's parent involvement policy.

L.O.K. 2024-2025 Parent Engagement Plan

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2024-2025 District Parent Engagement Plan

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School Parent Compact

  • 2024- 2025 Goals for Student Academic Achievement

    District Mission

    Through a caring culture of equity, trust, and collaboration, every student will graduate ready for college, career, and life.

    School Mission/Goals

    Provide a learning environment that fosters a growth mindset and develops student creativity through innovation within a global society.

    By spring 2025, The Kimberly Elementary

    School Improvement Plan:

    During the 2024 - 2025 School Year...

    §   the percentage of students performing at Beginning Level on the RDG MAP Growth assessment will decrease by 3% from Fall to Spring administration (Goal = 46% to 43%); 

    §   the percentage of students performing at Proficient Level or Above on the RDG MAP Growth assessment will increase by 5% from Fall to Spring administration (Goal = 23% to 28%).

    §   the percentage of Grades 3-5 students achieving a Raw Score of 3 or higher on the Write Score Reading Narrative will increase by 5% (7% to 12%)

    §   the percentage of students performing at Beginning Level on the MTH MAP Growth assessment will decrease by 3% from Fall to Spring administration (Goal = 39% to 36%).

    §   the percentage of students performing at Proficient Level or Above on the MTH MAP Growth assessment will increase by 5% from Fall to Spring administration (Goal = 12% to 17%).

    §   the percentage of students performing at the Proficient or Above Level on SCI GMAS will increase by 5% (16% - 21%).

    • During the 2024 – 2025 school year, the percentage of students with 10% or more of their enrolled days absent will decrease from 39% to 34%.


    As a School we will:

    •  Assist each student in improving and moving up one performance level in reading fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary knowledge. 
    • Assist each student improving and moving up one performance level in mathematics. 
    • Develop academic parent workshops on math and reading to provide support at home with take home packets and information. 
    • Schedule parent-teacher conferences every nine weeks to provide the parents with students’ data on their math and reading goals.
    • Alternate monthly workshops to accommodate parents for morning and afternoon sessions
    • Provide parents with opportunities to volunteer.
    • Solicit and acquire community support through partnerships and grants. 

    As Parents and Families, we will:


    • Ensure that my child will read for 30 minutes each day at home.
    • Participate in the Math, Literacy and Science learning nights, and Parent Academic workshops offered at the school.
    • Visit the parent resource center to use the computer and check out Math and Language Arts games and other resources that will help me to help my child at home.
    • Communicate regularly with my child’s teacher.


    As a Student I will:

    •  Read for at least 30 minutes each night a book that is within my reading range.
    • Practice math skills taught in class for at least 30 minutes each night.
    • Complete my daily assignments at school and at home.
    • Be present at school unless I am ill.
    • Be kind and respectful towards my teachers and peers.
    • Communicate any areas of difficulty with my teachers, counselors, administrators, and parents.

    What is a
     School-Parent Compact?


    The school-Parent compact (SPC) is a written agreement between the school community and parents. The SPC provides an opportunity to create new partnerships between the school, teachers, and families. It explains what families and schools can do to help children reach high academic standards of excellence. This written agreement indicates how all stakeholders of our school community agree to share in the effort to raise student academic achievement.


    Jointly Developed

    The parents, students, and staff, of Kimberly Elementary developed a school parent compact jointly. Our instructional leaders suggest home learning strategies based on our schools’ goals and focus areas, our parents added ideas to make them more specific and our students told us what would help them learn. Meetings are held each year to review & revise the School-Parent compact to make changes based on students’ needs.


    Building Parent Partnerships

     Kimberly Elementary builds parent partnerships by ensuring that parents are participating in activities and events at their child’s school:

    • Parent teacher conference 
    • Sneak a peek 
    • Open house 
    • Learning nights 
    • Provide Shuttle transportation 
    • Field trip chaperones 
    • Room parent
    • volunteering

    Communication about Student Learning & Academic Achievement

    Kimberly Elementary will communicate with parents through student progress reports, report cards, Class Dojo, Remind, email, and phone calls.  The parent teacher conference is also an open house or hill to provide parents with academic information. Parents may also use the parent portal to update contact information and review their child’s grades.


    Kimberly Elementary School



    3090 McMurray Dr.  S.W.

    Atlanta, GA. 30311


    Mrs. Kristy Reese, Interim Principal

    Parent Liaison

    Mrs. D. Turner-Mills


    Revised Date: September 16, 2024

  • Atlanta Public Schools Family Engagement Statement

    Revised June 17, 2024

    The Atlanta Public School District(APS) works to ensure families are full partners in their child’s education. Family Engagement builds genuine relationships with families to support their overall well-being to include students’ learning and healthy development both at home and at school. We believe when families are engaged and partnerships are created with a common focus, it leads to helping children grow and thrive. adopted from childwelfare.gov 

    What is Title I? Title I is a federal program that provides funding to local school districts to help ensure all children in Title I schools meet the state’s high academic standards. Title I, Part A provides for substantive family engagement at every level of a student’s education. Section 1116 of the ESSA contains the primary Title I, Part A requirement for schools and school systems is to involve families in their children’s education. 

    What is Family Engagement? The Atlanta Public School District(APS) works to ensure families are full partners in their child’s education. Family Engagement builds genuine relationships with families to support their overall well-being to include students’ learning and healthy development both at home and at school. We believe when families are engaged and partnerships are created with a common focus, it leads to helping children grow and thrive. adopted from child welfare. Child welfare Family engagement is the participation of families in regular, two-way, meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, ensuring that they: Assist in their child’s learning; Remain actively involved in their child’s education; Become full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision making and on advisory committees; and Carry out other activities, as described in Section 1116 of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

    Jointly Developed

    The Family Engagement statement is jointly developed with families of children attending APS Title Ischools. The statement is distributed at schools and on district and school websites. Parents and Guardians may submit feedback about the statement by participating in the district’s annual Family Engagement Survey distributed each year via local school newsletters, the district website, and APS social media channels.

    We Value Collaboration

    Strengthening Our Schools The APS Office of Federal Programs in partnership with the Office of Family Engagement provides technical assistance and support to all Title I schools on effective family engagement practices as well as Title I requirements. Schools are provided with resources and training to build the capacity of their staff, parents, and families. The Office of Federal Programs and the Office of Family Engagement conduct regular school visits to monitor program implementation and provide on-site technical support designed to enhance family engagement in APS. 

    Accessibility In carrying out family engagement requirements, the APS Federal Programs and Family Engagement Offices partner with the Office of Multilingual Programs + Services to ensure information is communicated in a language parents and guardians can understand.

    Reservation of Funds APS will reserve greater than the required one percent from the total amount of Title I funds allocated for the 2024-2025 school year to carry out family engagement requirements listed in Section 1116 of the ESSA. APS will ask parents and guardians for feedback on using the one percent for family engagement activities by including a question in the district’s annual Family Engagement Survey. APS will distribute funds to schools based on poverty counts multiplied by a Parent Family Engagement per-pupil allocation. This method ensures priority is given to schools with the highest needs. APS will provide clear guidance and communication to assist each Title I school in developing and adequately utilizing Title I funds to support their needs assessments and family engagement programs.

    Family Engagement Evaluation The Family Engagement Office works with Title I schools to evaluate the effectiveness of family engagement programs through the district’s annual Family Engagement Survey, distributed each year via local school newsletters, the district website, and APS social media channels. Title I schools also gather feedback on their Family Engagement Plans and programs through ongoing surveys and the in-person annual Spring Title I Input Meeting hosted at each school site. 

    Office of Multilingual Services 404-802-7580 https://www.atlantapublicschools.us/Page/37955

    We Value Capacity Building

    Building Capacity for School Staff

    APS hosts regular training opportunities for school staff and principal, that highlight Title I, Part A Family Engagement requirements. These training sessions focus on strategies to increase family engagement, improve school-family communication, create a welcoming environment, improve two-way communication, and build relationships with families and the community. Training sessions may be redelivered to school level staff to further enhance their capacity to engage families as equal partners in their child’s education. Additionally, APS encourages school staff to attend local and national professional conferences on effective Family Engagement. Conferences provide an opportunity for schools to network with other districts and learn best practices in the field of family engagement. APS Title I Schools use the Academic Parent Teacher Teams(APTT) Family Engagement model. APTT is an evidence-based program wherein teachers and families partner to address academic goals through at-home learning activities. Training and support for the APTT model is provided through the Georgia Department of Education. 

    Building Capacity for Parents and Families APS provides families with information about the Title I program in an understandable format, and to the extent practical, in a language parents can understand. Residential facilities in APS are included in Family Engagement correspondence and activities. APS works with Title I schools to help families understand: Academic expectations for student learning and progress; Specific information related to family participation; The State’s challenging academic standards, local and state assessments, including alternative assessments; and Use of the APS student information system Infinite Campus, and other digital resources, including the harms of copyright piracy. APS collaborates with federal and state funded preschool programs within the district and locally. In the spring, schools host Kindergarten Round-Up, Middle and High School Transition Nights, and College and Career Fairs, providing information to families that helps prepare students for a smooth transition into the next stage of academic learning. 

    We Value Community Input

    Want More APS? There’slots of good news happening in and around Atlanta Public Schools. Follow usto find out more! APS Today https://apstoday.us/ APS Insights https://apsinsights.org/blog/ Opportunities for Meaningful Parent Consultation Parents, family, and community input is essential to the Title I, Part A Family Engagement program. All families are invited to participate in the following opportunitiesto share their ideas and suggestionsto help the district,schools, and studentsreach ourstudent achievement goals. APS Newsroom https://www.atlantapublicschools.us/Page/423 66 ¡Hola APS! https://www.atlantapublicschools.us/holaaps

    Family Engagement Events https://www.atlantapublicschools.us/domain/15598

    Go Teams https://www.atlantapublicschools.us/Domain/1483

    Cluster Meetings https://www.atlantapublicschools.us/Domain/16987 

    Let’s Talk https://www.atlantapublicschools.us/domain/14240

    Social Media @apsupdate / @fedprograms / @APSFam_Alum 

