Q & A Textbook Check-Out
Who is eligible to check-out a textbook/s?
· Parents/Guardians who wish to have a textbook and/or workbook at home for their child to continue the learning process. Students are NOT allowed to check-out textbooks unless a permission letter has been signed under any circumstance.
What is the procedure for checking-out a textbook/s?
· Parents/Guardians should first read the Textbook Letter which provides the Policy and Procedures of textbook checkouts.
Where can I obtain textbook/s for my child?
· You can check-out textbooks by visiting the Media Center or granting your child permission to pick-up the textbooks.
When are textbooks due back to the school?
· Textbooks “only” are due back on May 9, 2022, the workbooks are yours to keep. A reminder letter will be mailed out to you prior to the due date.