- New Subsite 120
- January Newsletter
WEBSITE-Please visit us on the web at http://srt5.atlantapublicschools.us/washingtonbfi/site/default.asp. We are also on FACEBOOK. Join our FAN Page. Follow us on Twitter @BTW1924
Greetings Parent/Guardian,
Please read below for important events and activities for the month of January. If you have any questions about any of the events, please contact the school at 404-802-4663.
- INFINITE CAMPUS APP – Good news! Good News! There is now a smart phone app for Infinite Campus. You can have your child’s grades at your fingertips. You will know if your child is absent or late from a class just from push notifications. For more information, please check our webpage and see Ms. Sheffield, our parent liaison. Directions are readily available in hard copy and electronically. Just let us know.
- CONGRATULATIONS-Congratulations to Sidiamond Stills and Demeisha Crowley. They were awarded Posse Scholarships to Texas A & M and Boston College. Washington High School has a total of five Posse Scholars this year; the highest in the district! Congratulations
- FINANCIAL AID WORKSHOP-There will be a Financial Aid workshop for all seniors on Tuesday, January 21, 2014, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Please be present to receive this valuable information.
- PARENT WORKSHOP-There will be a parent workshop for writing on Wednesday, January 29, 2014, from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm in the parent center. We will be discuss the Writing Recipe for Persuasive and Argumentative Writing. This is a workshop you don’t want to miss. Please rsvp with Ms. Sheffield at 404-802-4663.
- PRINCIPAL’S Chick and Chat-Parents are invited to the monthly Chick and Chat on Friday, January 31, 2014, at 12:00 pm. Please stop by during your lunch break. Please RSVP with Ms. Sheffield at lgsheffield@atlanta.k12.ga.us.
- 20 Day Perfect Attendance Social-Students that have had perfect attendance for the last 20 days will be rewarded with an ice cream sundae social, Thursday, January 30, 2014, at 12:00 pm in the cafeteria.
- TUTORIAL We are now offering free support services for students (After School Tutoring and Working lunch). Tutoring is Tuesday through Thursday from 3:30 pm to 4:45 pm. An after school bus is available for students. Please check with your child to find out about their tutorial contract.
- UNIFORM REQUIREMENT-Students must dress in uniform five days a week. Students are to be in a school shirt (with a logo) and khaki pants. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!
- Report Cards-Report cards will be distributed Tuesday, January 14, 2014, during advisory. Please remember that this report card counts towards credits and will be posted on the transcript. If you have questions, please contact our counselor, Ms. Deborah Sims at 404-802-4662
- Atlanta Virtual Academy-Registration for Atlanta Virtual Academy for the Spring semester is now open. It will close on January 17, 2014. Classes will begin Monday, January 27, 2014 and end Friday, May 9, 2014. This is an opportunity for students to earn credit through recovery and course acceleration. Please see Mr. King or contact him at 404-802-4678 for more information.
Congratulations to the Students of the Month and Staff Member of the Month
Math : Tlej Watts
Science: Brandy Presley
Business: Jarius Little
Physical Education Christopher FinleyEnglish:
Social Studies: Foreign Language Best All AroundBre-Ahn Henderson Miracle Young Genesis Smith Tiana Williams
Staff Member of the Month: Brandon Fears
- ACADEMIC BOOTCAMP-As we prepare for the End of Course Test, we are now in EOCT Boot Camp mode. Students will receive extended learning times during advisory focused solely on EOCT and Test Taking Strategies. Please make sure you child is here each day and taking advantage of this opportunity.
The vision of Washington High School Banking, Finance & Investment is to create a collaborative learning environment that emphasizes student accountability for growth and success. Student, staff and community members will work together to maintain a safe and positive environment. Curriculum fundamentals will be blended with technology to develop critical thinking skills