Sylvan has an on-site Parent Resource Center, where parents can convene meetings or hold conferences. The center offers academic resources for parents to help our scholars with academic achievement, including computers available for use, free workshops, materials and training on family involvement in education. The School-Parent Compact and the Parental Involvement Policy is always available. Stop by today and pick up these useful resources. The Parent Resource Center is open Monday - Friday between the school hours of 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM.
Please be sure to stop by the front office to sign in and receive a visitor's pass.
Sylvan Hills Middle School
Parent Resource Center, Room 1308
1461 Sylvan Rd., SW
Atlanta, Georgia 30310
Mr. Larry Guilford, Principal
Mrs. Cassandra Mack, Parent Liaison
Main Office - 404 - 802 - 6200
Parent Center - 404-802 - 6236