• GO Teams Logo

    Mission and Vision Statement

    Bunche Middle School will develop 21st century lifelong learners who are capable, competent, competitive, and contributing members of society. Through effective, challenging, daily, learning experiences we will R.I.S.E. to new heights of excellence in student achievement. Middle School teachers will R.I.S.E. to the occasion to Build a Better Bunche; where R.I.S.E means:

    Rigorous real-world, relevant data-driven instruction;

    Innovative and engaging learning experiences for all students;

    Standards-based lessons will be taught every day in every classroom;

    Excellence accomplished by having high expectations.


    Bunche Middle School GO Team Members



    Email Address


    Ashley Redhead, II 

    2 ashley.redhead@atlanta.k12.ga.us  Chair
    Gabriella Tory  2 gabriella.tory@atlanta.k12.ga.us Co-Chair 
    Ebony Henry  3 ebony.henry@atlanta.k12.ga.us  Secretary
    Demetrius Cleveland  dccleveland@atlanta.k12.ga.us Staff
    Vernita Byrd vbyrd@atlanta.k12.ga.us Staff
    Brodrick Halls 2 brodrick.halls@atlanta.k12.ga.us Staff 
    Zonda Holloway  2 zonda.holloway@atlanta.k12.ga.us Community Member 

    Dr. Mario Watkins, Principal 


    Meeting Schedule 




    Public Comment 


    Media Center 

    6:00 PM 



    Media Center 

    6:00 PM

    Yes (Rescheduled-01/23/17)
    01/23/2017  Media Center  6:00 PM Yes


    Media Center 

    6:00 PM 

    Final Budget Review Meeting


    Principal's Conference Room  6:00 PM   Additional Funding Meeting 


    Media Center 

    6:00 PM

    Yes (Rescheduled- 04/17/17)
    04/17/2017  Media Center  6:00 PM  Yes
    05/08/2017  Media Center  6:00 PM  Yes


    Media Center 

    6:30 PM


    * Note there will be an Executive Session for the 05/22/2017 meeting. 


    Public Comment Format

    The GO Team of Ralph J. Bunche Middle School welcomes and encourages citizens and community members to attend meetings to become better acquainted with the programs of the school and the role of the GO Team.  The meeting GO Team meetings are open to the public. Citizens are encourage to attend; however, refrain from interrupting or distracting the GO team proceedings.

    For citizens and/or community members wishing to provide a public comment, there will be an allotted time on the agenda, 20 minutes for a maximum of 5 speakers. Each speaker will have 2 minutes to provide feedback/speak. At the end of the 20 minutes Public Comment will close and move on to the next agenda item. Please note, the Public Comment period is designed to gain input from the public and not for immediate responses by the GO Team.  If responses can be provided at the time of questions, the GO Team will respond according. If there are questions or information that anyone has for the GO Team, they may be contacted after the meeting. 

    Meeting Minutes



    Approved Meeting Documents

    August 29, 2016 - Strategic Planning Session

    8/29/16 Minutes

    8/29/16 Agenda

    September 12, 2016- Strategic Planning Session

    9/12/16 Minutes

    9/12/16 Agenda 

    October 17, 2016- Meeting  

    10/17/16 Minutes

    10/17/16 Agenda

    10/17/16 Post Summary 


    December 12, 2016- Meeting 

    12/12/16 Agenda (Rescheduled 1/23)

    January 23, 2017- Meeting

    1/23/17 Post Summary

    1/23/17 Agenda 

    1/23/17 Minutes 

    February 8, 2017- Final Budget Review Meeting

    2/8/17 Agenda 

    2/8/17 Post Summary 

    2/8/17 Minutes 

    March 29, 2017- Additional Funding Meeting 3/29/17 Minutes 
    April 10, 2017- Meeting  4/10/17 Agenda (Rescheduled 4/17)
    April 17, 2017- Meeting  4/17/17 Agenda (Not a Quorum)
    May 8, 2017- Meeting

    5/8/17 Agenda

    5/8/17 Minutes 

    May 30, 2017- Meeting 5/30/17 Agenda


    2016-2017 School Strategic Plan

    Strategic Plan 


    For information about GO Teams and GO Team resources, please visit the District GO Team website by clicking on the picture below.

    GO Teams District Site