- Burgess-Peterson Academy
- 2017-2018 GO Team Information
2017 / 2018 GO Team Meeting Minutes
August 2017 GO Team Meeting Minutes
GO Team Public Comment Format-
As the Burgess-Peterson Academy GO Team welcomes input from students, staff, parents and members of the community, each meeting will include an opportunity for public comment. To register for an opportunity to speak three options are given:
- Email Sue Ellen Wortzel (GO Team member) at sue.ellen@atlanta.k12.ga.us
- Visit the sign up sheet in the vestibule at the front of the school until 5:30 pm, Monday through Thursday the week of our schedule meetings.
- Sign up until 6pm during the meeting.
Please include your name, email address and topic.
2017-2018 Members
ChairLewis Cartee, Parent Representative
lewis.cartee@atlanta.k12.ga.usVice ChairJeanne Fore, Parent Representative
jeanne.fore@atlanta.k12.ga.usSecretaryTracy King-Holmes, Educator RepresentativeAretta Baumgartner, Swing Seat Representative aretta.baumgartner@atlanta.k12.ga.us Melanie Searcy, Educator Representativemsearcy@atlanta.k12.ga.usMarc Takacs, Community RepresentativeDavid White, Principal dwhite@atlanta.k12.ga.us Sue Ellen Wortzel, Community Representative sue.ellen@atlanta.k12.ga.us Asiaa Karriem, Educator Representative Akarriem@atlanta.k12.ga.us Mary Santanello msantanello@phrd.com Sophia Miles Sophia.miles@atlanta.k12.ga.us Geraldine Thomas, Parent Representative geraldine.thomas@atlanta.k12.ga.us