- Carver Early College
- 2019-2020 GO Team Information
Next Meeting : Tuesday, September 15, 2020 (4:30 pm)Meetings are held at the Carver Early College Library Media Center and are open to the community._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Fall Elections 2020: GO Team Election Method
- Households with students currently enrolled in an Atlanta Public School will receive their household’s unique link in TWO of the following ways: text, email and/or mail, based on phone number and addresses on file with APS
- Each School Staff member will receive their unique link via their APS email
- Households and School Staff can vote for their peers via computer or mobile device using their personal voting link (1 vote per household ID - the link can be used only once)
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________2019-2020 Scheduled MeetingsNovember 12, 2019 (4:30 pm) - Cancelled due to inclement weatherSeptember 15, 2020 (4:30 pm) - (Agenda) (Minutes)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Public Comment Format
I. We will have a question forum available during the GO Team Meetings. This will be built into each GO Team Agenda.
II. Anyone interested in speaking or asking a question must attend in person.
III. We will allow (2-5) minutes per person to speak. The Go Team will listen only to the person(s) and will address any questions/comments/concerns after we have discussed them as a team. We will post those answers/comments within one week on the meeting minutes for that meeting.
NOTE: In the event that the GO Team needs to obtain additional information regarding a question, please allow approximately one (1) week for a response.
Carver Early College High School GO Team MembersMarcene Thornton | PrincipalRobin Smith, Chair | Parent Representative (2019-2021)Joseph Marutollo, Vice Chair | Instructional Representative (2018-2020)Dr. Melinda Landsman, Cluster Representative | Instructional Representative (2018-2020)Kandice Richardson | Instructional Representative (2018-2020)Sandy Thomas, Secretary | Swing Seat Representative (2019-2021)Mildred Ross | Parent Representative (2019-2021)Vacant | Parent Representative (2018-2020)Khalil Edwards | Student Representative (2019-2020)Dr. Tene Davis | Community Representative (2018-2020)Angelyn Liu | Community Representative (2019-2021)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Meeting Documents
Meeting Date
Meeting Summary or Draft Minutes
Meeting Minutes
Documents Presented at Meeting
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule
Committee Name
Family Engagement and Communication
For information about GO Teams and GO Team resources, please visit the District GO Team website by clicking on the picture below.