E-Tickets via GoFan

  • The district is implementing an e-ticket only initiative at all athletic events charging admission. This new process will be in place at Lakewood Stadium, Henderson Stadium, and the Walden Athletic Complex, as well as at all school-based athletic facilities hosting competitions where a ticket must be purchased for entry.

    Through an agreement with GoFan, those wishing to attend games will be able to purchase tickets through the APS GoFan page. An e-ticket will be sent to the purchaser’s mobile device, which will be scanned at the stadium or school for entry into the game.

    “This new process will help us limit person-to-person contact and cut down on the time parents and fans spend waiting in line at the ticket gate,” said APS Athletic Director Jasper Jewell. “We thank GoFan for this partnership that will assist us in our districtwide effort to keep our students, employees, parents and communities as safe as we possibly can.”

    The new e-ticket initiative will allow APS to operate a more efficient and professional ticket gate process, while creating a safer experience for fans. Purchasing tickets online allows fans to easily access and share tickets, via email or text, without standing in long lines.

    Parents and fans are encouraged to purchase their tickets online prior to reaching the facility. For convenience, signs will be set up at the venue to help guide them through the online purchasing process.

    We hope to see you at a future APS athletic event!


    Purchase tickets through GoFan