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    Book Board Policy Manual
    Section 5. Students & Instructional Programs
    Title School Admissions - Enrollment Requirements
    Code JBC-R(2)
    Status Active
    Last Revised July 31, 2019
    Prior Revised Dates 12/4/2008

    Administrative Regulation Descriptor Code: JBC-R(2)
    School Admissions – Enrollment Requirements

    Atlanta Public Schools shall enroll into its schools students who reside with their parent(s) or guardian(s) in the City of
    Atlanta and who meet all other qualifications of Board Policy and this regulation at any time. These eligible students may
    a. Any minor who is in the physical or legal custody of the Department of Human Services (DHS) or Department of
    Juvenile Justice (DJJ), or any of their divisions, and is physically present within the geographical boundaries of the
    District, shall immediately be enrolled. When a student is being placed by DHS or DJJ into a new home or facility
    that would require a change in school or school system, the District shall consult with the student’s custodian to
    ascertain whether the student should be maintained in the school of origin or assigned to the appropriate school in
    the District in accordance with the McKinney-Vento Act. Children awaiting foster care placement qualify as
    homeless under the McKinney-Vento Act.
    b. Any minor who resides in a state-licensed orphanage or institution for abandoned or neglected children which is
    located within the geographical boundaries of the District.
    c. Any minor residing in a state-licensed drug or alcohol rehabilitation facility which is located within the geographical
    boundaries of the District.
    d. Any minor housed pursuant to court order in a foster care home which is located within the District. If placed by
    the DJJ, the student shall be enrolled in his/her home school, as opposed to an alternative educational setting,
    unless the Case Management Consultation Team concludes that the best placement for the child would be the
    alternative setting. Any placement made pursuant to an individualized education program team shall take
    e. Homeless Students: Any minor who is a homeless individual, see policy JBC (1), Homeless Students.
    f. Any minor whose parent or guardian is an employee of the District, see policy JBCCA, Student Assignment to
    Schools. This does not include contractors, temporary or substitute workers.
    g. Emancipated Minors: Any minor under the age of eighteen who resides in the District and who is no longer under
    the control or authority of his/her parents/guardians by operation of law (validly married or as otherwise

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    prescribed by law) or as granted by a juvenile court judge.
    h. Other students determined to be eligible for enrollment by the Superintendent.
    i. All youth who have not attained the age of 20 by September 1 are eligible for enrollment in appropriate education
    programs, unless they have received a high school diploma or the equivalent.
    j. Students who have not dropped out of school for one semester or more and who have not attained the age of 21
    by September 1 are eligible for enrollment, provided they have not received a high school diploma or the
    a. A Case Management Consultation (CMC) is a consultation by a school social worker in conjunction with the case
    worker for the student to discover whether any transition problems exist and whether any services are necessary
    for a child placed by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD), DHS, or DJJ.
    b. When possible, the custodian of the child or the agency placing the child shall notify the District at least five days
    in advance of the move. Notice is given to the District by completing a placement application with the Office of
    Student Discipline.
    c. The Office of Student Discipline shall contact the custodian of the child or the agency placing the child to complete
    a CMC. When possible, a CMC should be completed prior to the enrollment of the student.
    d. The CMC process will be utilized each time a DBHDD-, DHS-, or DJJ-placed child seeks to enroll in an APS school.
    a. Students shall be enrolled in school by their parent, legal guardian, or a person standing in loco parentis. Enrolling
    adults must present proper identification upon enrollment. Acceptable forms of identification are:
    Any valid state or federal government issued photo ID, including a free Voter ID Card issued by the county
    registrar's office or the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS);
    A Georgia Driver's License, even if expired;
    Valid employee photo ID from any branch, department, agency, or entity of the U.S. government, Georgia,
    or any county, municipality, board, authority, or other entity of this state;
    Valid U.S. passport ID;
    Valid U.S. military photo ID; or
    Valid tribal photo ID.

    b. The District may request proof of legal custody in situations involving multiple adults claiming control of the same
    c. A Special power of attorney, relative to the guardianship of a child of a military family and executed under
    applicable law, shall be sufficient for the purposes of enrollment and all other actions requiring parental
    participation and consent.
    d. A transitioning military child, placed in the care of a noncustodial parent or other person standing in loco parentis
    whose residence is other than that of the custodial parent, may continue to attend the school in which he or she
    was enrolled while residing with the custodial parent.
    e. A grandparent with a properly executed power of attorney for the care of a minor child may enroll their grandchild,
    without court approval, in APS if the grandparent resides within the district boundaries and if the specific conditions
    are met in the “Power of Attorney for the Care of A Minor Child Act,” O.C.G.A. 19-9-120 through 19-9-129.
    f. If the person presenting the student for enrollment is not that student’s parent/guardian, grandparent, a person
    with military power of attorney over the student, or the student is eligible for Migrant Education Program, the
    school will require the enrolling person to fully complete the Kinship Caregiver Affidavit. The enrolling person must
    stand in loco parentis over the student (i.e., be charged with or have assumed the duties and responsibilities of a
    parent such as providing food, shelter, clothing and medical care). A copy of the Kinship Caregiver Affidavit is
    provided at the end of this regulation.

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    1. Other than students that are exempted by law or rule, before admitting any student to an APS school or
    educational program, APS will accept evidence in the order set below that shows the student’s date of birth:
    a. The student’s birth certificate or certified copy thereof;
    b. Certified hospital-issued birth record or birth certificate;
    c. The student’s military ID;
    d. The student’s valid driver’s license;
    e. The student’s passport;
    f. The student’s adoption record;
    g. A religious record signed by an authorized religious official;
    h. An official school transcript; or
    i. If none of these items can be produced, an affidavit of age sworn to by the parent, guardian, or other
    person accompanied by a certificate of age signed by a licensed practicing physician, which certificate states
    that the physician has examined the child and believes that the age as stated in the affidavit is substantially
    2. Georgia Immunization Records
    a. All children attending prekindergarten and k-12 programs must have a Certificate of Immunization (DPH
    Form 3231). The Certificate of Immunization must be on file within 30 days of the start of the student’s
    b. Exemptions: All students, regardless of grade and including foreign exchange students, must have the
    Certificate of Immunization (DPH Form 3231) on file unless any of the following situations exist:
    i. Medical exemption authorized by a medical doctor. This must be indicated on Form 3231, a letter is
    not sufficient. Medical exemptions must be kept on file, are valid for one year, and may be reissued
    from year to year until a physician determines immunizations can be completed.
    ii. Conflict with religious beliefs verified by parents’/legal guardians’ sworn affidavit. The only affidavit
    that may be used to register a religious objection to required vaccinations is DPH Form 2208. The
    affidavit does not expire.
    c. Per the requirements of the law of the State of Georgia, failure to present the above documents within the
    required timeframe will result in a student being withdrawn from school.
    3. Certificate of Vision, Hearing, Dental, and Nutrition Screening (DPH Form 3300): This certificate must be presented
    the first time a child enrolls at any grade level, including prekindergarten. Students transferring from another
    Georgia public school system are exempt from this requirement. For students transferring from any school system
    other than a Georgia public school system, the documentation must be received within three months. If this form
    is not received within three months, the child will be withdrawn and not permitted to attend school until the
    requirement is met. Children may register prior to completion of this examination, however, the Certificate must be
    on file within three months.
    4. Official Transcript (Cumulative Record)
    a. Enrolling students shall present an official transcript of work or credit at the time of enrollment. If a
    transcript is not presented, the student shall be accepted provisionally in the grade to which they indicate
    membership. If, upon receipt of an official transcript, it is found that the student has been enrolled in the
    wrong subject or grade, the student shall be withdrawn immediately and re-enrolled in the appropriate
    grade or subjects. The parent(s)/legal guardian(s) shall be informed in writing of the change.
    b. Students enrolling without official transcripts shall be accepted provisionally in the grade to which they
    indicate membership. Records of each student’s previous work should be required before final placement is
    determined. A reasonable effort should be made to obtain such records. If the records are not forthcoming
    within 30 calendar days, an academic assessment shall be made by the school to determine final placement.
    5. Social Security Card: The person enrolling a student must provide a copy of the enrolling student’s social security
    number or a form stating the enrolling person does not wish to provide the social security number.
    a. The school shall ensure that student social security numbers are treated in the same confidential manner as
    all other records and in accordance with the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974.
    b. The District is not responsible for making determinations regarding visa and immigration status. Schools
    shall enroll immigrants/non-visa-holders who meet age and residency requirements and shall not inquire
    about their legal status.

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    6. Proof of Residency: Proof of residency is required when a student initially enrolls in a school, when the student
    enters 6 grade, 9 grade, and whenever a change of residence occurs.
    a. In order to verify residency within the District, the following items shall be presented to the Principal or
    designee with an Affidavit of Residency:
    i. Home ownership evidence consisting of a mortgage statement, warranty deed, quit-claim deed, or
    security deed in the name of the parent/guardian for the location of the legal residence;
    ii. Lease or rental agreement consisting of written evidence that a current valid agreement exists. Also
    to be included with this agreement shall be the name, address, and/or telephone number of the
    lessor; and
    iii. Georgia Power utility monthly statement which evidences the location of the legal residence (current
    within 30 days of enrollment). Principals may require additional proof of residency if necessary to
    ensure proper residency verification.
    b. If the enrolling person does not meet the above requirements, the Principal or designee shall require the
    parent/guardian claiming residency to complete an Affidavit of Legal Residence. The Affidavit of Legal
    Residence must be notarized and signed by the parent/guardian and owner/lessor. The Residence
    Owner/Lessee shall provide the following:
    i. Georgia Power utility monthly statement which evidences the location of the legal residence
    (current within 30 days of enrollment)
    ii. Deed, mortgage statement, lease or rental agreement consisting of written evidence that a current
    valid agreement exists. Also to be included with this agreement shall be the name, address, and/or
    telephone number of the owner/lessee; and

    The enrolling person shall provide one (1) item from at least three (3) of the below listed categories which
    evidences the address provided above is his/her current residence:
    a. Current bank, credit union, or other financial institution documentation (e.g. loan documents, credit card
    statement, monthly activity statement, voided check) which evidences the location of the legal residence;
    b. Mail delivered by the United States Postal Service other than general mail addressed to occupant or
    c. Employer documentation (e.g. application for employment, health insurance, previously issued W-2 or Form
    1099, pay stub) which evidences the location of the legal residence;
    d. Voter registration documentation from Fulton County which evidences the location of the legal residence;
    e. A current motor vehicle registration (tag receipt) which evidences the location of the legal residence;
    f. Any other document(s) that will provide evidence of intent to remain at the location of legal residence within
    the geographic boundaries of the District.
    At the discretion of the Principal or designee, if evidence of a parent/guardian's residence within the District is still
    insufficient, the Principal or designee shall submit a referral to the school social worker or the Office of Student
    Assignment. The School District may take whatever actions are necessary to verify the parent or guardian's
    residence within the District.
    7. Verification of Residency: A school system employee or designee may visit the address given by any
    parent/guardian to verify residency. The property address given must be the actual location where the student and
    parent/guardian live full time. A school may request a parent/guardian provide proof of residency if mail is
    returned from the student’s address of record. A school may request a parent/guardian provide proof of residency
    if a student’s attendance record indicates a pattern of absences, tardies or other circumstances are presented that
    place the school notice that the address of record is invalid/inaccurate for the student.
    The parent/guardian shall notify the school immediately if any change in residence occurs. Students who cease to
    be residents of the District or who move to another school attendance zone within the District may be eligible to
    remain enrolled in their home school for a limited time, see administrative regulation JBC-R(3) School Admissions
    – Students who Move During the School Year.
    8. Mailing Address: All students enrolling in Atlanta Public Schools must provide a physical mailing address. All school
    mail will be sent to the student’s physical address. Homeless students may be exempted from this required, see
    administrative regulation JBC(1), Homeless Students.

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    1. Suspended or expelled students from another public school system: Students who are under a current
    disciplinary order requiring short-term suspension, long-term suspension, or expulsion from another public school
    system must request enrollment and placement through the APS Office of Student Discipline. No otherwise
    qualified student seeking enrollment while under suspension or expulsion shall be permitted to physically attend an
    APS school; however, at the conclusion of a placement review, the Office of Student Discipline may 1) permit a
    student to enroll into the APS alternative education online program during the duration of that suspension or
    expulsion; 2) enroll the student but require the student to fulfill the rest of the suspension before attending the
    APS-assigned school; 3) enroll the student and allow the student to attend the APS-assigned school if the
    underlying disciplinary incident would not have resulted in suspension or expulsion under the APS code of conduct;
    4) enroll the student in an APS alternative education program; or 5) assign the student to any other legally
    permissible placement. At any time, the options listed above may not be available in APS.
    2. Students suspended or expelled from APS charter schools: Students who are under a current disciplinary
    order requiring a short-term suspension, long-term suspension, or expulsion from an APS charter school must
    request enrollment and placement through the Office of Student Discipline. No otherwise qualified student seeking
    enrollment while under a suspension or expulsion order shall be permitted to attend his/her zoned APS school if
    the underlying conduct would be similarly prohibited and punished if it occurred at an APS traditional school;
    however, at the conclusion of a placement review, the Office of Student Discipline may 1) permit a student to enroll
    into the alternative education school during the duration of that suspension or expulsion; 2) enroll the student
    but require the student to fulfill the rest of the suspension before attending the APS-assigned school; 3) enroll the
    student in an APS alternative education program; or 4) assign the student to any other legally permissible
    placement. No placement decision will be made before the district has received appropriate information from the
    parent/guardian and charter school, including student records and/or reports from any agency or jurisdiction
    involved with the underlying conduct. Expulsions require mandatory student transfers from charter schools.
    If, in the process of gathering this information, it is concluded that the student’s long-term suspension or expulsion
    from the charter school would or might justify a long-term suspension or expulsion from a traditional APS school,
    and the student will no longer be attending the charter school, a placement review will be convened so the district
    may decide: (a) whether the conduct for which the student was expelled would justify assignment to an alternative
    education setting, suspension, or expulsion by the district, and (b) whether the terms of the charter school
    suspension or expulsion should be adopted, rejected, or reduced by the district in the following district placement.
    This placement review will be conducted by the Office of Student Discipline.
    3. Students assigned to an alternative school program in another public school system: Any student seeking
    enrollment from another school system in which the student was assigned to an alternative school program
    through a discipline hearing or hearing waiver action shall be assigned to a corresponding alternative setting, if
    available, within Atlanta Public Schools.
    4. Suspended or expelled students from a private school: Students who are under a current disciplinary order
    of suspension or expulsion from a private school must request enrollment and placement through the Office of
    Student Discipline. Atlanta Public Schools may admit a student who has been suspended or expelled from a private
    school during the period of such suspension or expulsion. However, no such decision will be made before the
    District has received appropriate information from the parent/guardian and private school, including student
    records and/or reports from any agency or jurisdiction involved with the underlying conduct..
    If, in the process of gathering this information, it is concluded that the student’s suspension or expulsion from the
    private school would or might justify assignment to an alternative education setting, long-term suspension, or
    expulsion from Atlanta Public Schools, a placement review will be convened so the district may decide: (a) whether
    the conduct for which the student was suspended or expelled would justify assignment to the alternative school,
    suspension, or expulsion by the district, and (b) whether the terms of the private school suspension or expulsion
    should be adopted, rejected, or reduced by the district in the following placement. This placement review will be
    conducted by the Office of Student Discipline.
    5. Discipline Records:
    a. Any student who is enrolling in the District must provide a copy discipline record from the school previously
    attended in accordance with O.C.G.A. §20-2-670. In lieu of providing a copy of a discipline record, the
    student may be admitted on a conditional basis by submitting a properly executed release authorizing the
    District to obtain such information from the school previously attended.
    b. Any student desiring to enter the District must be eligible to enter the school system which he/she last
    attended. A Disclosures Form shall be completed at the time of enrollment. The student or parent or legal
    guardian shall also disclose whether the student has ever been adjudicated guilty of the commission of a
    designated felony as defined in O.C.G.A. § 15-11-63, and if so, the date of such adjudication, the offense
    committed, the jurisdiction in which such adjudication was made, and the sentence imposed.

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