• Gifted + Talented Education


    Atlanta Public Schools provides GATE services at all grade levels: Elementary, Middle, and High School for gifted-identified students. The Gifted and Talented Education program (G.A.T.E.) is designed to meet specific needs of gifted students and provide lessons whose major focus is on extending or broadening mental competencies in the areas of cognitive skills, learning skills, research and reference skills, communication skills, and metacognitive skills. Middle school students receive up to five segmented hours of gifted services per week.

    Sylvan Hills Middle School has a Gifted Service Plan where all gifted identified students attend at least one gifted certified class a day. 6th and 7th grade gifted identified students also are enrolled in a course entitled WIN Block (Whatever I Need), where students receive remediation and/or enrichment opportunities in core subjects such as ELA and Math. 


    Testing Information 2023/2024

    The parent referral window for the 2023-2024 school year opens on Friday, September 1st and closes on Saturday, September 30th. Students of parents who make requests after the window closes will not be assessed during the current school year. The electronic referral link will open on Friday, September 1, 2023.

    The window to request a parent referral for January Gifted Eligibility Testing this school year is September 1 through September 30.  Please visit these links for:

    1. Parent Referral Informational Video and FAQs 
    2. Online Request for Parent Referral Form


    Important Information 

    Please visit the Atlanta Public Schools Gifted and Talented website for more information. You will find answers to frequently asked questions about how we identify, serve, enrich, and support gifted students: https://www.atlantapublicschools.us/Page/20890.