It's Greater at Slater
If you are not sure who to contact, please CLICK THIS LINK.
Requests received before 2:30pm will be addressed within 2 business days.
Requests received after 2:30pm may take up to 3 business days for a resolution.
Si no está seguro de a quién contactar, HAGA CLIC EN ESTE ENLACE.
Las solicitudes recibidas antes de las 14:30 horas se atenderán en un plazo de 2 días hábiles.
Las solicitudes recibidas después de la 2:30 p.m. pueden tardar 3 días hábiles en resolverse.
Click here or scan the QR code below using a smartphone to join our Class Dojo account.
Haga clic aquí o escanee el código QR a continuación usando un teléfono inteligente para unirse a nuestra cuenta Class Dojo.
Join our GO Team! Parents and staff can DECLARE their candidacy and find more information at
GaDOE School Climate Survey
Please visit the following website for more information about the MAP assessment.
Family Tool Kit
Please read the 2024- 2025 Parent Right to Know Letter for Slater Elementary.
Parent Right to Know Letter
Lea la Carta sobre el derecho a saber de los padres de 2024-2025 para la escuela primaria Slater.
Carta sobre el derecho de los padres a saber: español
Teacher Professional Learning Day
Winter Break
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Slater Go Team Meeting