Herman J. Russell West End Academy

Elevating Learning Intentionally Towards Excellence

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  • Update to Student Attendance Protocol

    Dear Parents and Guardians,

    I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you of an important update to our student attendance policy regarding late arrivals to school. We understand that there are times when students may need to arrive late due to medical appointments or other valid reasons, and we want to ensure that our procedures are clear and consistent for everyone. 

    Updated Late Arrival Protocol

    Students arriving late for school may enter up until 12:00 PM. However, all students arriving after the official start time must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or have appropriate documentation explaining the reason for their tardiness. Acceptable documentation includes doctor’s notes, medical appointment verification, or any other formal explanation. This documentation must be presented and approved by the attendance clerk upon the student's arrival.

    Our goal is to maintain a safe and orderly environment, while also supporting students who may have valid reasons for arriving late. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that all students follow these guidelines to minimize disruption to their learning and the overall school environment.

    If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our front office or the attendance clerk, Ms. Walker, directly. Her email address is attendancehjrwea@apsk12.org  and her contact number is (404) 802–6857. Thank you for your continued support and partnership. 


    Principal Green

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Important Family Information