Atlanta Virtual Academy (AVA) is a virtual school program that combines the diverse resources of Atlanta Public Schools to meet the specific needs of individual schools and by extension, students. As a trusted source of insight and guidance, we know and appreciate your need for quality information about AVA programming. Here are some common topics of interests specific to Counselors, Graduation Coaches, Credit Recovery Site Administrators, and Lab Facilitators.
Atlanta Virtual Academy (AVA) supports two major virtual programs throughout the district: Credit Recovery and Initial Credit Courses. The graphic below provides an at-a-glance view of basic program components especially highlighting how they differ.
AVA Programs At-A-Glance
*Course Numbers- Course numbers for Credit Recovery and Initial Credit Courses are almost identical. Both have the number 3 following the decimal to indicate they are virtual courses. The sixth number after the decimal for Credit Recovery classes is always the number 8.
**ALL students will receive a final grade for ALL courses in which they are enrolled even when unsuccessful. The Actual Grade provided by Edgenuity™ is the final grade and EOC courses are 80% and the EOC Assessment is 20%.
***During the Day students CAN NOT drop their AVA course.
Beyond the Day students may request to drop their course before the deadline.