• General Program FAQs


    Atlanta Virtual Academy Questions:


     What Browser should students use?

    -Chrome is the preferred browser. 
    -However, for some Science and Math courses in Edgenuity™ using the online simulation tool Gizmo for Virtual labs, Internet Explorer is to be used.

     Students are having problems opening the Live Virtual Learning Center(LVLC).
    Students must contact their online teacher.

    Are students able to work on the Course from their cell phone, tablet or iPad?
    Yes, they can. 

    The student is unable to login their course?

    Contact the school counselor to for the Network Id and Lunch Number. 

    If course content is not working properly. Any suggestions?

    Students must contact their online teacher. 

     Is this a Milestone Course?
    Contact local School Counselor for information. 

     How does a student know if they are making sufficient progress?
    Generally, middle and high school students should complete 7% of the course each week. For example: By the end of AVA’s 1st week, students should have completed 7% of their work. Students should refer to Progress Bar on their Edgenuity’s™ Dashboard to determine how much progress they have made in the course.

    For AVAJr., students will work closely with their online teacher for daily progress. 

    What happens if students do not keep up with the pace on the pace chart?
    The pace chart is a terrific tool which will allow middle and high school students to complete their course in a timely manner and meet the course completion deadline without stress. By working each day during their school computer lab time and completing the required weekly assignments students should be able to maintain their pace. If students are unable to maintain the pace as indicated on the pace chart they should first contact their virtual teacher and discuss any concerns. If students are struggling with any issue, their online teacher will be happy to work with them towards their success. 

    What should a student do if they cannot make contact with the online teacher?

    The online teachers are available via Live Virtual Classroom as well as by phone and email. Online instructors are also available in the LVLC at 8:30 to 4:00 Monday-Friday. When attempting to contact online instructors, please remind students to always leave their first and last name, the name of the course you they taking, a best phone number and best time to reach them. Students should continue working in their course until the online instructor can contact them back. Instructors will return emails and voicemails within 24 hours (excluding holidays and weekends).

    What should a student do if they are dropped from a class?

    If a student is dropped from a course without desiring to be dropped, they should contact their guidance counselor or Credit Recovery Site Administrator (whichever applies) assistance.

    What should a student do when they have finished a course?

    When students are finished with a course, they may need some direction as to the next steps to take. The student should inform the school lab facilitator of completion and the facilitator will encourage the student to remain engaged in learning.

     The following steps may be taken for students who have finished a class.

    • Contact student’s guidance counselor and advise that student has finished course. 
    • If requested by guidance, send the student to the guidance counselor to add another course or to inquire of further action if another course is not needed.
    • If another course is to be added, facilitators can assist student in requesting the course.
    • While course is pending, facilitators will encourage students to utilize lab time to study for other courses and/or complete homework from other classes.
    • Students may start on their SAT or ACT Test Prep course. 

    Can students with disabilities receive services from Atlanta Virtual Academy?

    Yes. Atlanta Virtual Academy will not discriminate against any qualified individual on the basis of disability. It is the responsibility of the home school to ensure that the system meets all requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Section 504. The current Individualized Education Program or 504 Plan must be provided to Atlanta Virtual Academy by the local school system. Atlanta Virtual Academy will follow all applicable provisions in the IEP or 504 Plan. However, there may be some provisions that can not be implemented. In such a case, the home school must determine whether Atlanta Virtual Academy is an appropriate placement. 


    Gifted Programming Frequently Asked Questions

    Gifted and Talented Education in Atlanta Public Schools provides differentiated instruction for students in first through twelfth grade who are actively enrolled and who meet the GaDOE state gifted program eligibility criteria.

    What are the processes for screening and referral which lead to eligibility testing for Gifted and Talented Education Program Services?

    APS screens for referral all students who are actively enrolled in an Atlanta Public School. The screening/referral and testing processes are broken into two timelines:

    • “First Look” screening, during a January to April time frame, is for students with no current data on file and includes a full battery of gifted eligibility assessments
    • “Second Look” screening, during a September to October time frame, is for students who were tested during “First Look” in the previous school year, found ineligible at that time, and meet specific criteria for further fall testing. This is an automatic process and no action is required of the parent. The school gifted contact will communicate with a parent if the child is a second look referral.

    What is First Look Screening and Referral?

    First Look refers to students who have not been previously tested and/or do not have current test data (less than two years old) available. These students are screened annually through the automatic, teacher, and parent referral processes:

    1. Automatic Screening and Referral – The eligibility team in each APS school reviews most-recent test scores of all students each fall and automatically refers students meeting any of the following criteria:
      1. scored 85%ile or higher on district-administered MAP Growth Reading or Math assessment
      2. scored 90%ile or higher on the latest Reading/ELA or Math Georgia Milestones EOG/EOC
    • Scored 90%ile or higher on the Reading or Math portion of the latest PSAT
    1. Teacher Screening and Referral – Students who are not selected as an automatic referral but who score at the 80th to 84th percentile on the MAP Growth Reading or Math assessment will be further evaluated through teachers completing the “Traits, Aptitudes, and Behaviors” (TABs) instrument. Students receiving a TABs rating at or above an established threshold will be referred for gifted
    2. Parent Referral – Students may be referred for consideration for gifted eligibility testing by a parent or guardian. The Gifted Parent Referral Form (provided online through local school websites) must be submitted during an October window. Students referred by a parent who also score at the 80th percentile or higher on the Map Growth Reading or Math assessment will be referred for gifted

    If my child is screened and referred for gifted testing, what happens next?

    Students screened through second look or first look (automatic, teacher, or parent) are referred for gifted testing if all referral criteria are met. Once referred for testing:

    • Parent receives and signs an electronic Parent Notification for Testing Consent form
    • Student is evaluated for gifted services; Eligibility is determined; Parents are notified

    Can my child be assessed before the start of the school year?

    No. The screening and testing process will take place during the school year as outlined here.

    How will my child be assessed if referred for “First Look” or “Second Look” testing?

    All student assessments used for gifted eligibility in APS must be administered face-to-face. Students enrolled at Atlanta Virtual Academy will be required to test in-person at the designated AVA facility; all APS-required COVID safety protocols will be followed. Parents will receive communication from AVA regarding when and where in- person student testing will be held. If a parent does not desire to have the child report for in-person testing, gifted eligibility testing may be deferred to the next school year’s cycle for in-person testing at that time.

    • Each web-based or paper assessment lasts from 45 to 90 minutes. Activity-based assessments may be untimed, but generally are completed within an hour. Depending on the grade level of your child and the data which need to be gathered, testing will consist of one 60-90 minute session each day for one to seven
    • First Look assessments cover mental ability, achievement and creativity

    Will I be notified that my child was referred for testing and when will I know results?

    Prior to any assessment taking place, parents will be notified in writing regarding referral of their child for either first look or second look gifted testing. Additionally, those parents will receive a document to virtually sign and return to give permission for that testing to move forward; parents of students enrolled at AVA will be notified when and where to report for in-person testing. Parents will be informed of second look eligibility by November and of first look eligibility by May.

    What if a parent is active military or my child was identified as gifted in another state?

    APS honors the National Military Compact and will assist transferring military families who have a child who was eligible for a gifted program in their previous state by placing the child without Georgia assessment. Otherwise, there is no reciprocity between states for gifted education. However, students with documentation of gifted eligibility in another state are referred for testing in APS at the next testing cycle. Prior to testing, students’ current test scores will be reviewed to determine if any data from the previous state may be utilized in determining Georgia eligibility.

    May I provide results from private assessments?

    No. APS gifted eligibility must be determined upon the findings of APS-approved assessment.

    Who do I contact about the gifted program at my school?

    Atlanta Virtual Academy has a gifted program contact teacher for each level. If you have any questions regarding the gifted program, one of these individuals will be able to assist you.

    How will my gifted-eligible child be served in a virtual environment?

    Gifted individualization of instruction in each of the delivery models detailed below will be provided through the virtual methods used for regular AVA instruction (Zoom, Meet, Google Classroom, etc.).

    • The Elementary Gifted Delivery Model at AVA is “Cluster Grouping” – gifted students are served by a gifted- endorsed teacher in a class made up of students receiving gifted services as well as students not receiving gifted services (a “blended roster”).
    • The Middle School Gifted Delivery Model at AVA is “Advanced Content” – gifted students are served by a gifted-endorsed teacher in core content courses (one to four courses) in a class made up of students receiving gifted services as well as students not receiving gifted services (a “blended roster”).
    • The High School Gifted Delivery Model at AVA is “Advanced Content” – gifted students are served by a gifted-endorsed or gifted-trained teacher through College Board Advanced Placement (AP) core

    If my child is determined eligible, when and how will his or her schedule change?

    If found eligible during Second Look, elementary students will begin receiving services within days of that October determination while middle and high school students will begin receiving services at the start of the following semester. If found eligible during First Look, all students will begin receiving services the following fall.

    In elementary school, gifted students receive a minimum of five gifted segments each week (one class period on each day of the week) from a gifted-endorsed teacher. The specific courses for a student are determined by AVA.

    In middle school, gifted students receive a minimum of five gifted segments each week (one class period on each day of the week) through core content courses. The specific courses for a student are determined by AVA.

    In high school, gifted students receive services through Advanced Placement courses for which he or she has registered. The specific courses for a student are determined through the AVA placement process.

    If my gifted child leaves APS this year and re-enrolls at a later date, will he or she have to be re-assessed for gifted services?

    No, re-assessment would not be necessary for re-enrollment. If assessed and found eligible for gifted services at a public school within the state of Georgia, that eligibility is valid from the time of that assessment through 12th grade at any public school in the state of Georgia.