About Our Teacher of the Year
Phone: 404-802-2511
Degrees and Certifications:
B.A. Edcuation, Georgia State University M.Ed Leadership, Georgia State University Ph.D Educational Leadership, Clark Atlanta University
Dr. Allen Phillips
I have been Headteacher at Ashley Church of England Primary School for over 12 years now. It only seems like yesterday that I started, but things have changed a lot during that time as we have grown from a one-form entry school of 210 children to a growing school of 480 children.
Every day is different in my role as Headteacher and it is never boring! I love leading the school, challenging and supporting staff and children to be the best they can be. We have a great team of teachers and support staff at Ashley and I think the children are very lucky to be in such a happy, achieving school.
As many of you will know, I am passionate about sustainability and I am very proud that this school is seen as a role model of best practice in areas such as energy management and food growing. What I like best is the fact that it is the children who are responsible for leading these exciting projects of learning.
I also really value our fantastic school community with lots of our parents and governors giving great support to what we do. Their commitment to the school really does make a big difference.
More than anything though, it is the success of every child in this school that makes my job as Headteacher such a rewarding one.
And finally, when I am not at school….. I enjoy travelling, photography and spending time with my family.
HIghlights from 2018-19
More About Our #1 Teacher
At Ashley School we believe that the ethos is in the detail. It’s a smiling face. It’s a cheerful ‘Good Morning’. It’s a culture that says thank you and well done. It’s about holding a door for someone or caring for a friend when they are hurt or upset. It’s about thinking before doing and making the right choice to do things right. It’s about a quiet prayer in reflective time as well as a cheer of encouragement on the sports field. It’s about remembering that detail every day, and correcting it when it goes awry.
My Values
Towards this end we, together with a cluster of neighbouring schools (the Bridge Partnership), follow a monthly Values Programme.