• Gifted & Talented Students and Their Parents:

            Welcome back to a new year at Maynard Jackson High School. We are excited to have such a large group of bright, motivated young people among our student body. This school year, the Gifted & Talented program at MJHS will be overseen by Ms. Emily Galloway, the Gifted Lead, Ms. Adrianne Williams, the Gifted Eligibility Chair, Dr. Latchman, our Assistant Principal and Testing Coordinator,  and our talented team of gifted-certified teachers. We will all collaborate to ensure that you are challenged in ways that are appropriate for your abilities.
            In elementary or middle school, you might have been in a “challenge” pull-out program where you received special instruction in an alternative setting while other students remained in class. In high school, we meet your needs for academic curiosity and autonomy, increased rigor, advanced content, and faster-paced instruction through your Honors, IB, and AP courses. Teachers of Honors, AP and IB courses will work to differentiate their instruction to meet the needs of all Gifted & Talented students on their rosters.
            In addition to traditional classroom instruction, Gifted & Talented students will also have the opportunity to stretch themselves intellectually through projects and extracurricular activities. Gifted & Talented students are strongly encouraged to complete an Academic Fair project in Math, Science, Social Studies, or Technology.  If you are looking for guidance in finding a challenging extracurricular activity, please reach out to Ms. Galloway. In addition, please review the 
    list of academic extracurricular activities at Maynard Jackson High School

    Please visit the Atlanta Public Schools Gifted and Talented website for more information. You will find answers to frequently asked questions about how we identify, serve, enrich, and support gifted students: https://www.atlantapublicschools.us/Page/20890.


    I’m looking forward to working with you this year!  Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

    Emily Galloway
    Gifted Lead
    International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme Coordinator
    Maynard Jackson High School

    ekgalloway@apsk12.org    Phone: 404-802-5220