Ask questions

    Define problems

    Become aware of the web of technological systems on which society depends

    Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them

    Develop and use models

    Develop and use models

    Model with mathematics

    Plan and carry out investigations

    Plan and carry out investigations

    Learn how to use new technologies as they become available

    Use appropriate tools strategically

    Analyze and interpret data

    Analyze and interpret data

    Attend to precision

    Use mathematics and computational thinking

    Use mathematics and computational thinking

    Recognize the role that technology plays in the advancement of science and engineering

    Reason abstractly and quantitatively

    Construct explanations

    Design solutions

    Look for and make use of structure

    Engage in argument from evidence

    Engage in argument from evidence

    Make informed decisions about technology given its relationship to society and the environment

    Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others

    Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information

    Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information

    Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

    Sources of the STEM Practices

    Practices of Science & Engineering in Next Generation Science Standards

    Practices of Science & Engineering in Next Generation Science Standards

    STEM Lesson Essentials Grade 3-8 Derived from the Framework for K-12 Science Education

    Mathematical Practices from the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics