- Student Attendance
School Opening, Late Arrivals, & Early Dismissals
Doors Open at am
School Begins at 9:00 am
Late Arrivals: Student arriving after am must be accompanied by a parent or guardian
Early Dismissal: The latest pick-up time for early dismissal is at pm.
All students must vacate the premises by pm
In support of student success, the Atlanta Board of Education expects students to be present at school and to arrive and depart on time in accordance with the provisions of the Georgia compulsory attendance law. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §20-02-0690.1, parents, guardians, or other persons having control or charge of students are liable for the student's attendance in school. In view of the negative effects of excessive tardiness and absenteeism on student performance, the Board expects local schools to initiate programs to assist students in improving their attendance and punctuality. See Policy JB.
Chronic absenteeism, truancy, and habitual tardies create a barrier to students’ ability to reach their full academic potential. Students who are absent or tardy miss valuable instructional time and are less likely to master those skills, concepts, and principles needed for success. Make-up work can never replace the learning process that takes place in the classroom. Regular school attendance also establishes a pattern of positive habits that can be carried over throughout life. Please note that absences are coded as excused in accordance with the Official Code of Georgia and Georgia State Board of Education guidelines.
For questions or additional information contact Valerie Asberry, Attendance Clerk, at
404-802-6982 or