• Dr. Kristen Horton


    Principal pic

    Dear Continental Colony Family,

    It is my pleasure to welcome everyone for another momentous year at Continental Colony Elementary School. I am excited to begin this year with a “normal” start. We will continue our mission to develop compassionate and knowledgeable life-long learners through the progressive implementation of internationally-minded instruction and rigorous assessment.

    We will focus on the commitment that every student and family are an authentic partner and have real opportunities to shape the experiences students have in school, receive accurate and accessible information about students’ progress, and have a legitimate role in decision-making. We will shift our family engagement strategy from Removing Barriers, a model to allow for school-based innovation focus, to Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT), a model designed to strengthen teacher-family relationships by focusing on student academic growth and achievement. It elevates the efforts of traditional parent-teacher conferences by inviting all families of the same classroom teacher to meet rather than individually. You will receive information about these sessions in the upcoming weeks.

    We are excited to welcome everyone into the building for Open House this Wednesday, July 31st, from 9:00am – 11:00am. We are asking everyone to enter through the front entry doors. As you enter the building, we would like for you to stop at your child’s grade level table to set an independent reading goal and an attendance goal. We want you to partner with us to ensure your child reads every evening for at least 30 minutes and attends school every day. After you set goals with and for your child, you will have time to visit your child’s classroom and meet the teachers. 

    Please be reminded APS will continue to implement a start time of 7:45am and end time of 2:15pm. Masks are optional for students, and we will continue COVID Surveillance Testing each week with consent from the parent. We will also continue to implement our school-wide uniforms (red top with khaki bottoms). It is truly a privilege to be a part of a community where parents, teachers, and students care for each other and strive to build positive relationships that support academic and social growth. Please feel free to contact me at 404-802-8000 or kristen.vaughn@atlanta.k12.ga.us. Let us continue to work together to uphold our why, to increase life chances one book at a time. 

    Together We Will Increase Life Chances One Book at a Time!


    Kristen Horton Ed.D.
