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The Atlanta Virtual Academy (AVA) offers students in grades Pre-K-12th the opportunity to take courses online while enrolled in their current home school.
AVA uses Edgenuity to offer courses that meet APS and the State of Georgia Curricula Standards. In addition, students can engage with their teacher via the internet in lessons and help sessions, which is refer to as synchronous learning. Additionally, synchronous learning connects students district-wide allowing them to learn from others taking the same course. There are over 200 courses available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so students can work at their own pace. They receive feedback and assessments from teachers as they proceed. This provides a personal educational experience that makes AVA a 21st century education. Students are eligible to take any course offered. However, all courses must be approved by a local school counselor or designee prior to enrollment. Students may also enroll in AVA as a full-time student. AVA programs are designed to allow students and their families flexible learning options to meet their educational needs. By providing more opportunities to achieve educational success, the Atlanta Virtual Academy is looking to change the outcome for many and provide a means to better, brighter futures for APS students. Learning that takes place "Any Time...Any Place...Any Device”.Students taking an AVA course may take that course during the Fall, Spring or Summer Session. During Fall and Spring Semesters, AVA courses run concurrently with each semester. During the Summer Semester, AVA courses are 6 weeks long. The summer course have the same amount of content as the Fall and Spring semester courses.