Cleveland Avenue Elementary School strives to give every student opportunities to unlock his/her true potential through STEM. The school's innovative pedagogical methods sets out to transform enducational inequalities and reshape the fundamentals of teaching in America's educational systems in order to produce critical thinkers of the future. STEM allows teachers to recognize each individual student; how they learn, think, and act. When teachers recognze these things, they can set reachable, educational goals, giving students the opportunitiy to build on their strengths and opens the opportunity for every student to succeed at learning.
Empowering South Atlanta to Overcome Food Deserts
Cleveland Avenue Elementary School uses the Problem/Project-Based Learning model designed and tailored to fit the needs of CAE but, it's surrounding community; hence our signature theme: "Making a CLEAN, GREEN Difference...Empowering South Atlanta to Overcome Food Desserts". This model will be beneficial for students as it promotes the use of their natural problem-solving abilities across the curriculum. Through the PBL model, students are able to solve complex, real-world problems and knowledge gained from this convention of learning will help to improve the deliverance of instruction to students and make learning meaningful.