Thank You to Our Outstanding Community Partners

  • Slater Elementary School provides a range of on-site services to overcome both academic and nonacademic barriers to student success. We have counselors, therapists, community partners, volunteers and even lawyers that support our students and families.

    Our Community Engagement Program works with more than 60 community partners to offer after school and summer programs, mental health services, mentorship and enrichment opportunities. Each year, more than 500 students participate in after-school and summer programs, 300 students receive mental health and housing services, and 280 students take part in mentorship and internship programs.

    View our partners on the Purpose Built Schools Atlanta Partners page.




    SlaterTiger Our School Partners 2019 - 2020



                                                 The Villages at Carver YMCA                                                                          



                                                                                                  St. Vincent de Paul Atlanta