• K-2 Student Sample Schedule

    Your student's daily schedule may vary. Please check with your student's teacher or school for more specific information.


    BLUE denotes Live Interactive Virtual Instruction

    GREEN denotes Independent Practice


    8:00 AM – 8:15 AM SEL – Community Gathering
    8:15 AM – 9:45 AM ELA 
    9:45 AM – 9:55 AM Brain Break Activity (as a class) and Bathroom Break
    9:55 AM – 10:25 AM  Science/Social Studies
    10:25 AM – 10:45 AM  Student Independent Practice - M/W ELA and Social Studies (20 minutes each) 
    10:25 AM – 10:55 AM Teacher Office Hours - Teacher is available to answer questions and support students who need help with extended/independent practice
    10:55 AM – 11:25 PM  Lunch
    11:25 PM – 12:10 PM Math 
    12:10 PM – 12:20 PM Brain Break Activity (as a class) and Bathroom Break
    12:20 PM – 12:50 PM Specials (Extended Core)
    12:50 PM – 1:10 PM  Student Independent Practice - T/Th Math and Science (20 minutes each)


     Teacher Afternoon Activities

    12:50 PM - 1:20 PM Teacher Office Hours - Teacher is available to answer questions and support students who need help with extended/independent practice
    1:20 PM - 2:20 PM PLC / Planning Time
    2:20 PM - 3:00 PM Student Check-In - Teacher will contact 3-4 students a day to ask how student is doing. Teacher will also meet with Care Team as needed to discuss student's emotional well-being and determine supports, if needed.


    Please Note:

    • Note that this is a sample schedule for the purpose of illustrating a typical day for a student in grades K-2.
    • Within each instructional block students will experience a combination of explicit instruction, guided practice, small-group instruction, and collaborative practice.
    • Teacher will use digital tools that will facilitate active participation and engagement.
    • The District will be rolling out parent toolkits with content-specific tools and resources that will help parents support their children at home.