Frank Lebby Stanton Elementary School uses Fountas and Pinnell for the ELA core
    curriculum, with supplemental support from the APS Literacy Plan, Ready
    Reading, iReady, Phonics - Orton Gillingham, Renaissance Learning, ScholasBc
    Books, Coach Digital, Read Theory, and ReadWorks. The Lucy Calkins WriBng Units
    of Study is the core wriBng curriculum.

    Balanced Literacy Instruc7onal Framework

    ➢ InteracBve Read Aloud (above grade level text) - Both the teacher and the
    students acBvely process the language, ideas, and meaning of the text.
    ➢ InteracBve WriBng - During interacBve wriBng, the teacher and students
    compose a text together. The teacher coaches the students during the
    composiBon as different students take part in the wriBng. The teacher and
    students co-write the text. InteracBve wriBng should engage students in
    composing and learning about different genres
    ➢ Shared Reading- Teachers purposely choose a grade level text that
    facilitates the acquisiBon of standards - based skills or concepts. Teacher
    reads the text aloud once (model reading). The teacher and students read
    aloud together.
    ➢ Shared WriBng - Teachers and students also compose a text together;
    however, the teacher keeps the “pen” and writes the text in front of the
    students enlarged on an easel or projected for all students to see.
    ➢ Guided Reading- Guided reading allows teachers to create differenBated
    small groups to deliver reading instrucBon at a student's instrucBonal
    reading level. The guided reading instrucBonal context provides an
    opportunity for responsive teaching and enables students to read more
    challenging texts with support from the teacher.
    ➢ Guided WriBng - Teachers pull together a small group of students with
    similar levels of wriBng ability or a group that needs the same strategy
    lesson. The teacher teaches the group a strategy that addresses their
    common needs and reduce the scaffolding as the group works together.

    ➢ Independent Reading - Each reader selects a book and is free to choose
    books. Teachers intenBonally moBvate and pique students’ interest by
    previewing or showcasing texts from a larger collecBon of books (classroom
    library), and support students’ text selecBons through reading conferences
    and whole group mini-lessons.
    ➢ Independent wriBng- Students should have the opportunity to write
    independently in order to develop their own wriBng pieces. Through
    independent wriBng, students explore mulBple genres and topics for a
    variety of audiences. Teachers purposefully plan lessons that are coherent
    and lessons that support the acquisiBon of wriBng skills and proficiency.
    ➢ Word Study- From early literacy concepts, where students receive explicit
    and systemaBc instrucBon in phonemic awareness and phonics, to applying
    word structure concepts, teachers intenBonally plan for word study in the
    classroom during whole group and small group seXngs. For K-2 students,
    word study should provide an opportunity for students to develop an
    awareness of rhymes, syllables, onsets and rimes. For 3-5 students, an
    emphasis on morphology, word affixes, Greek and LaBn roots are integral in
    building vocabulary and expanding students’ language for use in speaking,
    listening, and wriBng.